Visit CareerBuilder at Staffing World and Win a Trip to Amsterdam


Are you one of the staffing and recruiting experts headed to ASA Staffing World 2018? If so, lucky you! In addition to being an amazing conference as always, you have a chance to win a trip to Amsterdam.

Entering is easy:

  • Stop by CareerBuilder booth #615 on Tuesday or Wednesday (October 16 or 17)
  • Get a quick demo of our innovative “hello to hire™” solutions
  • Voila! You’ll be entered to win our Grand Prize Raffle.

One lucky winner and a guest will receive a four day, three night trip to Amsterdam. The trip includes a tour of Textkernel’s offices for a behind-the-scenes look at how our data scientists are using AI to enhance our products.

Winners will be announced via email Monday, Oct. 22.

We can’t wait to see you at Staffing World!

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How to Hire Like Amazon, Google or Microsoft, Even if You Aren’t

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