81% of Candidates Want Continuous Communication Throughout Hiring Process

Matt Tarpey

They say when you get someone’s number you should play it cool and wait a few days to call them. Whether that’s true in dating or not, it’s definitely bad advice for employers looking to hire. According to CareerBuilder’s recent Candidate Experience Study, seeming over-eager is the last thing employers need to worry about: 81 percent of job seekers say employers communicating continuous status updates would greatly improve their overall experience.


What Does This Mean For You?

The biggest frustration for job seekers is a lack of response from employers (cited by 52 percent of all job seekers). Even if you can’t provide constant updates, 83 percent of candidates say having a clear timeline of the hiring process would greatly improve their experience.


Job seekers want to know where they stand. Improving how you communicate with them throughout the hiring process can have a huge impact on the candidate experience – which, in turn, will help you attract even better candidates to your company.


Read the full Candidate Experience Study to learn more.


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