25 recruiting tips for the new year

As we wrap up 2020 and head into the busiest job hunt season of the year (January), these 25 recruiting tips will set you up for success for your next hire. 

And why 25 you might ask? We just kicked off a 12-month celebration to mark CareerBuilder’s 25th anniversary! 

For 25 years, we've helped job seekers connect to employers, and here we’re sharing some of that wisdom.

Cover the hiring basics 

1. Stick with tradition (sometimes). Like with job titles, for example. Check out our hiring 101 to build or refresh an efficient hiring process.  

2. Even the most seasoned professionals make errors. Learning from others’ common hiring mistakes can help you with your strategy.  

3. Writing a good job description takes real effort. And while AI tools can streamline that process, there are things you should include to really make your job post stand out.  

4. Hiring efficiently doesn’t have to require a huge budget. From focusing on culture to automating, these five tactics will make hiring more efficient.  

5. Optimize your workflow to save time and convert applicants.  

The talent acquisition tools you need 

6. Triple-check if your tools integrate with each other. The whole point of purchasing and using talent acquisition tools is to make your life easier.  

7. Text during work. We mean text candidates – move beyond email and spam filters and get right in the pocket of prospective new hires.   

8. Adapt as work environments change. You’ll need new, improved or added recruitment tools and features to stay ahead of anything that comes your way (like an evolving economic landscape).  

9. Rely on data. Sourcing data, understanding candidate behavior and utilizing automation tools can take your hiring strategy to the next level. 

10. Cover every step of the talent acquisition funnel. Similar to tip #1, make sure your hiring tools don’t leave any gaps in your talent pipeline.  

Recruitment strategies to get you started 

11. Simplify the job application. Candidate drop-off is real – here’s how to keep applicants engaged.   

12. Use technology and skills to staff up quickly, whether you’re hiring holiday workers, temporary employees or need essential workers.   

13. Be seen where candidates are looking. Connect to candidates faster and find the right people for your team.  

14. Prioritize company culture. In addition to integrating systems and utilizing data, your employer brand is a critical component of a modern hiring strategy.  

15. Engage candidates with a talent network. Automating can future-proof your hiring process, allowing you to hire the best people when you need them.  

How to improve diversity in hiring 

16. Commit to learning more and doing better. These lessons and opportunities to improve diversity at work shed light on what companies can do to impact social change.  

17. Push diversity at every level. All those tools that should be supporting you through every step of the talent acquisition funnel? Yeah, they should be helping you drive diversity, equity and inclusion through the hiring process.  

18. Improve candidate sourcing to build inclusive teams. Where you find and connect with job seekers affects the diversity of candidates in your pipeline.  

19. Implement diversity and inclusion initiatives on your teams. While each company might be in a different spot in its process, now is a great time to kick these efforts into high gear

20. Bolster your company culture. Not only does a positive working environment attract great candidates, it often includes and celebrates diversity.  

5 tips for hiring and keeping work from home employees 

21. Update your benefits and perks. Remote workers want and need different support from an employer. Here are 11 ideas for what to offer employees.   

22. Consider a mix of in-office and at-home work. This study showed that hiring managers generally prefer a mix of working setups and plan to keep more work from home options than pre-pandemic.  

23. Post your work from home jobs effectively. With searches on the rise, these best practices for work from home jobs should help.  

24. Be there for your team. From onboarding to daily check-ins, here are tips for managing remote employees.  

25. Understand what workers want. How many want a mix of in-office or totally remote? What about the people who just want to return to the office? This is what employees are saying about work from home.  


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