The one question to ask when choosing recruitment tools

Mary Lorenz

Deciding on the right recruitment software to purchase can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider before saying yes to an option that will affect a huge part of the business for years to come. For instance: How will it improve your current process? How will it help you overcome a particular challenge? How much will it cost? In addition to these important questions, there is one you should always ask before purchasing recruitment software:

Will it integrate?

Recruiting software and HR technology is designed to improve your recruitment process, but if it doesn’t integrate well with your current system, it can do more damage than good. As CareerBuilder Chief Product Officer Humair Ghauri points out, “Toggling between multiple, disparate systems causes all kinds of headaches, ranging from a slower, more inefficient process to a higher chance of errors and inconsistencies.”

By ensuring your new software purchase integrates with your current system (or is built to integrate with anything you may add on later), you will see the following benefits:

Increased recruiter efficiency 

According to CareerBuilder research, HR managers say that on average they have more than 50 open requisitions in a month. If you constantly have to log in and out of multiple systems to take care of various tasks, it slows down your process significantly. Investing in software that integrates with your current system lets you “cut the fat” and complete multiple recruiting tasks from a single platform. Imagine being able to search resumes in your database, track applicants, manage candidates, send out emails and set up interviews all from one interface. Will your new software enable you to do that?

Increased user adoption 

When you implement a new software system, you need to allocate a certain amount of time for users to learn the system. Using multiple systems that aren’t integrated adds to the time needed to learn how the systems work together, hindering user adoption. The more integrated the software, the easier adoption will be, and the sooner your team can hit the ground running.

More transparency

When systems are integrated, it’s much easier to track user activity and performance, see who is doing what, and see what tasks have been completed so there’s no duplication of efforts and better communication among team members.

Better candidate experience

More efficiency with recruiting tasks means more time to devote to creating a better candidate experience. In today’s tight labor market, creating an exceptional candidate experience is key to bringing in top talent. Using an integrated system that gives you fast access to candidate information, helps you communicate with candidates automatically and speeds up your recruiting process leads to an overall better candidate experience.

Cost savings

Not only will you save on costs associated with increased recruiter efficiency, but you will also spend less money from an IT standpoint. It costs far less to maintain one, integrated system than several small, disjointed systems.

More consistency

If your software integrates and allows data to flow freely from one system to the next, your recruiters don’t have to keep re-entering information manually, thus minimizing the possibility of human error.

On the flip side, if you purchase software that does not integrate well with other software systems, it can seriously hinder your team’s ability to work efficiently.

By investing in software that integrates easily, you’re mitigating the time and frustration that comes with managing multiple systems. As a result, you’re not only making your talent acquisition team’s jobs easier, you’re helping them do their jobs better. Everybody wins.

Frustrated by recruitment software? Check out:  How to overcome 4 of today’s biggest HR tech challenges

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