Candidates use these job search tools to find your company

In our newest round of updates, we’ve gamified our job seeker profiles, which benefits both sides of the employment equation. This update encourages candidates to provide their experiences, skills and career goals – and when they hit 100%, they can see who’s viewing their profile. What does this mean for you? More info from the start about potential applicants so you can find the right fit. 

When candidates have updated their profile to 100 percent, they unlock the list of companies who have viewed their CareerBuilder profile. Seeing that hiring managers and recruiters have viewed their information helps candidates connect to companies faster, and for recruiters and hiring managers, having more qualitative information helps them identify candidates with transferrable skills that can make them a good fit for a job. 

What can you learn about a candidate with this update? 

Aside from the basics, like their name, you can view their resume and their profile. The latter is what you should really focus on – from career goals to skills, you’ll get a fuller picture of who someone is. Look for transferable skills, proficiency levels, certificates and other experiences that give you an idea of how someone fit on a team. 

Reading a resume is important, especially to understand specific career accomplishments, but skills are more and more a better indicator of how someone might perform on the job. Plus, you’re looking to hire a team member into your company culture. 

Who can see this candidate info? 

Customers and users with resume database access can search for and pull up candidate resumes and profiles. Once you do that, there’s the possibility of being visible to job seekers – which is great! This prompts the candidate to check out your career site and job postings, potentially leading to a new talent network member or applicant. To help increase the number of qualified applicants, put your company culture on display! Just like job seekers are putting themselves out there as unique, whole individuals, you want to demonstrate your authentic work environment.  

And don’t forget to make your job application as easy as possible. Candidate drop-off is real, even in a competitive employment market. 

Your main takeaways: prioritize looking at candidates as whole applicants, beyond their resume, and keep focusing on skills in hiring. 


Related reading: 

Want to learn more about how candidates find and apply to roles? Here are a few more ways we’re simplifying the job search and making it seamless for candidates to connect with employers like you. 

How to use data and automation tools to recruit and manage applicants 

How to use labor market data to build recovery-focused hiring strategies 


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