Is your talent acquisition process working for you?

Your job postings might be stellar. That virtual open house you hosted last month might be bringing in strong leads. Your talent network might be full of skilled, interested candidates who are a good fit for a variety of your roles. 

Do all of those efforts integrate and support each other? And do you have hard data to really understand what’s working for you? Is it in an easy-to-use format? 

A single source of truth for your hiring efforts will save you (and your team) time and money, and allow recruiters or hiring managers to focus on the people they’re hiring. Your talent acquisition tools should automate and remove mundane tasks – meaning more candidates and faster. Plus, as the world of work continues to evolve, you need to understand which strategies are working best for your company.  

Set your hiring KPIs 

Whether you’re hiring for your small business, as a recruiter at a staffing firm, or for dozens of new employees at a large company, you likely have a good idea of how many new employees you’re planning to add to the team. Do you have an exact number, and do you have a plan to reach them? Do you know how many applicants or candidates you need to find the right person? If not, set those goals!  

Invest in talent acquisition tools to help you get there 

We’re biased, of course. As employers like you work to reach candidates at various stages of their job search, CareerBuilder’s Talent Acquisition Suite offers a range of integrated technology solutions to attract, engage and convert candidates quickly. But any recruitment tool you use should align with your hiring needs to help you reduce time to hire. 

Understand your candidate ROI 

With your KPIs and HR technology in hand, you should be able to clearly understand which platforms, sites and programs are supporting your goals and efforts.  

For example, CareerBuilder users now have access to a comprehensive analytics dashboard that combines all of the platform’s analytics in one place. Using the dashboard, employers can view the number of candidates delivered within a selected timeframe, identify which solutions contributed to the number of candidates sourced and track trends over time.  

Basically: our users can watch how our tools connect you to the right candidates in real time. 

Check out the number of applications and completed jobs in one view... 

...the volume of jobs and applications on your career site... 

...and the success of your talent network through emails and matches. 



The three strategies above will help any hiring manager or recruiter identify the tools that maximize their efforts, but choosing the right technology can be a game-changer for any team. By understanding how all of your tools work together and having a quick, easy grasp of how well they work, you can make informed decisions about resources, candidates and your strategy. 

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Candidates use these job search tools to find your company
Candidates use these job search tools to find your company

How CareerBuilder supports both job seekers and employers to ease the headache of hiring.

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25 recruiting tips for the new year

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