How to find and reach qualified candidates

You might be juggling multiple recruiting or hiring systems. You have spreadsheets and saved files and (digital) piles of resumes. Whether you’re managing a handful of recruiters, part of a hiring team or a one-person HR operation, these tips will help you streamline your process and hire the best employees. 

Figure out what is working for you. 

If your cost per candidate is stellar or your sourcing efforts are giving you more diverse applicants, you should understand those insights and prioritize (or at least don’t change) those parts of the process. Not sure what your strengths are? Review how well your talent acquisition process is working for you and identify what to keep and where to improve. Your technology and the tools you use have a big impact on your day-to-day recruiting and hiring efforts, so you should have quick access to data about where your candidates come from, what it cost to acquire and convert them to applicants, and if they are the right people for the job. 

How to find the right people for your team. 

This is part tech, part evaluating your needs before you start recruiting. Look to skills – both technical aptitude and soft, interpersonal skills – to focus your search. Viewing potential employees through this lens can help you not only expand the potential applicant pool in a targeted way, it allows you to examine candidates through a culture fit lens. The technology piece of the “find candidates” puzzle is relying on your sourcing data and understanding the labor market. Your HR tech and hiring tools should give you the information you need about where candidates are – geography, professional groups, educational programs – and what they expect from employment in your field. That means salary information, how competitive the role is, education requirements and more. 

Use the right hiring tools to reach candidates. 

Connecting with qualified talent should be painless. It shouldn’t take hours to sort through resumes, compare skills, draft emails, manage responses and schedule interviews. When it comes to this portion of the process, your hiring toolkit should automate these tasks so you can focus on applicants as individuals and assess them as potential future teammates.  

Examples of ways you can use smart hiring tools to reach more candidates: 

  1. Centralizing your recruitment efforts (like those spreadsheets and resumes we mentioned) 
  2. Flagging gendered language in job descriptions 
  3. Matching skills in resumes to your job post 
  4. Building and maintaining a talent pipeline or network 
  5. Send targeted messages to the right candidates 
  6. Host virtual events, screen candidates and schedule interviews 

The right platform or tools will help you do all those things and demonstrate what’s effective and what’s not, bringing us back to our first point about analyzing your process. You know your recruiters and hiring team need more time back in their day, especially with the amount of strong, qualified candidates looking for roles right now. Your hiring tools should be easing and simplifying those pain points, so you can find and hire your perfect employees. 

Related reading: 

Creating virtual experiences to connect with great candidates 

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