7 tips to create a simple hiring process

7 tips to create a simple hiring process

Searching for qualified candidates in today's tight job market can feel daunting and overwhelming. While the competition for top talent is higher than ever in many industries, there are ways to put yourself ahead of the game and hire top-notch workers. With a streamlined and efficient hiring process, you can quickly find quality candidates and hire the perfect person for your team. Follow this framework to create a simple hiring process and get employees in the door faster.

Write a clear job description

Recruiting “rock stars” and “ninjas” can make a role seem exciting, but job seekers might not find these awesome positions simply because they aren't searching for those keywords. Instead, use standard job titles and industry-specific keywords to boost the visibility of an open position. Also, write a detailed description of the role's expectations, duties, and requirements so potential employees aren't left wondering if they qualify for the position. With clear and accurate job descriptions, you'll be well on your way to finding those rock stars.

Simplify the application process

Tip: Try applying to an open (or test) position on your company's website, and you might empathize with candidates who abandon the hiring process. Did it take more than 20 minutes to complete? How many screener questions were there? Could you complete the application on your phone? According to the talent acquisition blog Undercover Recruiter, 45% of job seekers search on their mobile devices for jobs each day, and nearly 90% say mobile devices have a big role in the job-search process.

Take a look at your current application process and identify ways you can make it easier for potential candidates to apply for jobs. Streamline your system as much as possible by updating it to make it mobile-friendly. You can also implement software that pre-populates information to save applicants time and help alleviate stress.

Screen candidates faster

Screening candidates can be one of the most time-consuming parts of the hiring process, but it's also one of the most important. Don't let the right candidate slip away because of the sheer volume of resumes you receive. Create a candidate profile you can use to review applications quickly.

For example, if you're hiring a communications manager, you may want someone with a relevant degree and five years of experience. Eliminate candidates who don't meet your minimum standards. Also, make sure you know the resume red flags, such as spelling errors and conflicting dates, so you can speed up your screening process.

Prioritize the candidate's experience

In today's candidate-centric job market, the way you treat applicants has a huge impact on your ability to recruit them. Many candidates won't take a job where interviews started on the wrong foot. According to a survey from CareerPlug, an online recruiting software company, 48% of job seekers have had a negative candidate experience in the last year. What's more, nearly the same number (49%) declined a job offer because of it.

So you know the candidate experience matters, but how can you prioritize it? First, make sure you provide job seekers with a clear timeline for the hiring process. Update them as much as possible, even if it's letting them know you're going in a different direction. Candidates appreciate honesty and transparency, so do your best to communicate your expectations throughout the process.

"Candidates appreciate honesty and transparency, so do your best to communicate your expectations throughout the process."

Focus your interviews

Another crucial aspect of the candidate experience is the interview process. More than one interview is standard for finding “the one,” yet too many interviews can turn candidates away. Keep the number of interviews to a maximum of three and make them as convenient as possible for the candidate. Conduct the initial interview via phone or video, and only invite your top candidates for in-person interviews to speed up the process. This strategy respects the candidate's time, provides plenty of get-to-know-you opportunities, and reduces the time to hire.

Make the offer

When you're ready to make the offer, don't wait. Good candidates go quickly, and you don't want to lose your perfect hire because they've accepted another offer. First, call the candidate to make an informal offer. Often, you can get some sense of whether they plan to accept or not. After you make the call, use a template to send an official job offer letter. While you're waiting, make sure you have the paperwork ready to go for when an applicant is ready to accept.

Utilize your team

Employee referrals are considered one of the best sources of quality hires. Current employees know your company best and can easily spot a great fit. If you don't already have one, create a formal employee referral program that incentivizes staff members to participate. Offer rewards like bonuses, gift cards, or prize draws to reward employees who refer others to open positions. Make sure you send regular reminders so the program stays on your employees' radar, too.

While there's no magic solution to finding the perfect candidate right away, you can take steps to simplify the hiring process. The process of writing job descriptions, screening applicants, and then making a final offer provides plenty of opportunities to be more efficient with your time. The result is an optimized hiring process that benefits both you and the top-quality candidates you're seeking.

More tips to simplify the hiring process

The next time you have a position to fill, consider whether internal recruiting can land you the best candidate.

A new hire will work directly with your current team members, so why not involve employees in the hiring process?

Check out five ways to think like a talent acquisition leader to find the right candidates for your team.

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