5 reasons job seekers abandon the hiring process

Know the 5 reasons job seekers abandon the hiring process

You've done your due diligence when seeking candidates for job openings at your company. You looked through dozens of resumes, conducted a handful of interviews, and feel like you've found the right fit. Suddenly, the person you thought would be perfect for the job drops out of the hiring process with no explanation. Now it feels like you're starting from scratch. To minimize the chances of this happening, pay attention to the five reasons job seekers abandon the hiring process so you know how to address them.

They feel the application process is too time-consuming

One of the main reasons candidates ghost employers is an overly complicated or time-sensitive application. While many candidates know the recruiting process takes time, they also understand their value, particularly in today's competitive job market. They know investing a lot of time into searching for a job doesn't necessarily translate into a higher-paying opportunity.

According to an informal Twitter survey conducted by CareerBuilder, more than 75% of respondents preferred a one-click application over a lengthy one. Even after they apply for the job, it could take several weeks or months to hear back. The more time it takes to get answers, the less likely these candidates are to refer others to the company. Address this issue by making the job application straightforward yet detailed enough so you get the answers you need from candidates.

The job title doesn't resonate

Perhaps you've spent time crafting the perfect job description and have a prospective list of candidates that match your specific job title. The challenge you might encounter is once you reach out to the candidates, they might not have the right skills or aren't interested. The reason might involve the job title itself. Just because you call a job one thing doesn't mean another company calls it by the same name.

To circumvent this situation, research similar job titles and pay attention to variations in the titles other companies offer. You could also search a Boolean string online and examine the results. Once you have a list of potential job titles, you can use variations in your job description. Before reaching out to candidates who apply to your application, take the time to read through each profile to ensure they match the requirements. Doing so will increase your chances of getting a positive response.

The job description lacks vital information

Many job descriptions concentrate on what the company wants from candidates and not what candidates might get out of the role. If the job description lacks important information, candidates might not bother with the rest of the application process.

Consider sharing details about compensation and benefits as well as the day-to-day experiences relating to the job. Before you think about adding those key items, however, you should include a salary range to set expectations. Doing so might increase the likelihood of a candidate accepting a job offer and reduce the chance of them being caught off guard by a salary that's lower than what they expected. It can also show your commitment to transparency, which can build trust.

"Keeping applicants updated as to their status, even if you're no longer interested, can make them feel important."

They feel ghosted

If candidates don't hear from you after several weeks, they might believe you've forgotten about them. When you do eventually reach out, they might be annoyed that you've neglected them and not want to continue the interview process. You wouldn't want to wait several weeks to hear back from a client or candidate once you reach out, so don't do the same to a candidate.

In a study conducted by Clutch, 35% of respondents said it was unreasonable for a company to ghost applicants. Even if you don't have the resources or time to reach out to each candidate personally, use automated messages to make sure you're keeping candidates in the loop. Communication is key to fostering a positive candidate experience. Keeping applicants updated as to their status, even if you're no longer interested, can make them feel important. Avoid burning bridges because you never know if a better-fitting opportunity might open up for a candidate.

The background check takes too long

Once you've reached the background check stage, you might think you're close to hiring the perfect candidate. However, the check might stall and take a week or two to finish. During that time, candidates might grow impatient and turn their attention elsewhere. They might feel neglected and not a priority, creating a disdain for your company simply because the background check took too long.

In fact, according to another survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 31% of employers say they lost out on candidates because the background screening process took too long. To reduce the risk of this happening, make sure you're working with a trusted and accredited background check company. Most companies should be able to provide you with results within 24 to 72 hours, depending on the thoroughness of the check.

You spend a lot of time and energy on the hiring process, so when candidates abandon it, you might feel defeated. Knowing why candidates might no longer seem interested in your positions can help you address the cause and reduce the risks of it occurring again. The more you show you're interested in applicants and have their best interests in mind, the more likely they are to be engaged and share their positive experiences with others.


Related reading about the hiring process:

Avoid these four common hiring mistakes.

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