Is Your Career Site Mobile-Friendly?

April 19, 2018 Deanna Hartley

Today’s “consumer candidate” uses an average of 16 different resources to search for jobs. And 4 in 5 of those candidates will visit a company’s career site during their job search process. In fact, the vast majority of candidates (88 percent) say a career site is at least somewhat important when evaluating a company, according to CareerBuilder’s 2017 Candidate Experience Study.

More than half of companies (57 percent) have websites that are not optimized for mobile devices, which could work against them. One in 10 candidates have searched for a job from a mobile device; yet, nearly 2 in 5 will leave a website that is not optimized for mobile.

These findings underscore the importance of having a career site that is optimized for mobile devices.

The best way to ensure a quality mobile experience and keep candidates engaged on your career site is through responsive design.

With responsive design, your career site design automatically “responds” to the user’s browser size and adjusts the content accordingly. Responsive design ensures complete mobile optimization, as well as the best possible candidate experience across any computer platform, increasing engagement and application rates as a result.

Consumer Candidates Want a Great User Experience

It’s more important than ever to not only have a visible presence via your career site, but also to make it user-friendly — and a notable part of enhancing that user experience is ensuring your career site it mobile-friendly. After all, you don’t want to miss out on potentially great talent who are on the move and need to access your site via their handheld devices.

CareerBuilder’s mobile-first career sites are available today in over 32 languages worldwide, and incorporate best practices from our 20-plus years of in-depth candidate research.

Your career site is the primary research destination for curious job seekers. It’s also the one place where you own 100 percent share of voice, giving you the perfect opportunity to sell your company and your opportunities to candidates. So make it count, and don’t leave any missed opportunities on the table.

Don’t miss these 5 traits of a must-have career site. Can you check each of these off your list?

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