Consider these additional tactics to cold calling for more clients

Consider these additional tactics to cold calling for more clients

Getting new clients and candidates is imperative to growing your staffing firm and boosting your reach. Unfortunately, this can be easier said than done. Cold calling is still an effective way to make new contacts and start relationships with prospects. But these days, there are even more ways to find leads and spread the word about your staffing firm. Consider these additional tactics to cold calling if you want to gain more clients:

Get referrals

The clients you already have can be a great source for referrals. When you're ready to take on new clients at your firm, let your current clients know you're interested in helping any businesses they know of that need quality candidates. If you've helped them source outstanding candidates for their company, then those businesses will be happy to recommend you to others. Referrals make great leads because you have a mutual connection: the person who referred you to the business.

Network with prospects

You can't go wrong with networking. Meeting people in person makes for a real connection that you can't replicate through the phone, even in a video chat session. By attending events, such as job fairs and chamber of commerce meetings, you can associate with people who need high-quality candidates to work for them. Ask people in your industry how they meet people and where they go to network.

"Computers, the internet, smartphones, and apps have all made finding clients simpler for everyone."

Send emails

It's the sad truth that people just don't answer their phones these days, which makes cold calling even more challenging. People do, however, check and answer their emails fairly regularly. This means a prospect is more likely to read a thoughtful email than return a call. Although email can be frustrating, as you won't always get a response, you can use analytics to track who opens your emails. You can then follow up with those who open your email with a call or another email to pique their interest further.

Use social media

Social media is a very modern tool that has proven an effective marketing technique because it allows you to better target your specific market and connect with those who need what you offer. This means that staffing firms can create ads that appeal to businesses requiring their services. With a social media account, you can create a brand for your staffing firm and easily find others in your industry. By creating your own content that gets likes and shares from others, you can become a leader in your industry.

Respond to clients

Another excellent addition to cold calling is to respond to your clients. Whether it's through an email, a text message, or a review online, responding to your clients can help get your name out there. Even when a client leaves you a bad review, if you respond to it professionally and take care of the issue, you can turn a negative situation into something positive for your staffing firm. People appreciate when you take the effort to recognize them as an individual.

Analyze viewer data

Use data tracking to analyze who views your website and social media accounts, as well as the emails you send. With this information, you can better understand who is looking for your staffing services. Look for trends in the data, and then use them to create marketing campaigns that appeal to the right businesses. These leads will already have an interest in what you offer, making it more likely that they'll become clients.

Arm yourself with additional strategies that will get you more clients and stay ahead of the class.

Learn more about growing your business and getting more clients:

Discover some reasons your staffing firm may be losing out on candidates.

Don't lose out on another staffing client. Read these reasons you might be losing clients to stop it from happening.

Get to know what your clients want with these four trends for staffing firm clients in 2022.

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