Workforce management software: A guide for small and midsize businesses

Workforce management software: A guide for small and midsize businesses

A growing business, regardless of its size, can always benefit from being more organized. No matter how many employees you have at your company, incorporating workforce management software into your human resources department can help to manage your staff more efficiently and effectively. This type of software allows you to manage workforce planning from one centralized location for multiple departments. You can standardize scheduling, allow employees to make time off requests, and create tracking methods to understand labor management better. These are some of the best workforce management software options for small and midsize businesses.


Easy to use and aimed at small and midsize businesses, BambooHR is a workforce software that can take care of all your employee data in one place. It allows you to:

  • Manage and gather valuable insights and employee data
  • Find the best talent and hire and onboard them with ease
  • Capture employee benefits, simplify payroll, and track everyone's hours
  • Measure your employees' experiences and performances

Using this software helps you keep track of all your important employee data so you can focus on growing your company. It even features an applicant tracking system that helps make hiring a breeze by reviewing resumes before you look at them to ensure they meet certain criteria.


Although organizations of all sizes can benefit from the features offered by NOVAtime, it's ideal for small and midsize businesses. One of its big draws is that it's a scalable software that can grow with your company, without you having to do any upgrading or make any changes. You can easily integrate this software with many payroll and human resource applications. Some of its features include:

  • Activity dashboard
  • Activity tracking
  • Alerts and notifications
  • Approval process control
  • Badge time clocks
  • Proximity time clocks
  • Biometric time clocks

Consider the add-on modules that give you more customization options, such as touchless clock-in and clock-out functions and Bluetooth beacons. These additional tools will help your company be more efficient and productive.

When I Work

When I Work is a workforce software that lets you create, share, and track employee schedules quickly and conveniently. The messaging feature makes communication between departments and employees simple. With free apps for Android and iOS devices, every employee can have instant access to their schedules and other important data, like their hours, shift tasks, and time off requests. Some of the features people like best about When I Work are:

  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Kind and helpful support staff
  • Simple for employees to change shifts
  • Easy-to-use filters and searchability

You'll love the tools that help you control labor costs to improve your labor budget. You can also manage time clocks and quickly process payroll through this single software that does it all.

"No matter how many employees you have at your company, incorporating workforce management software into your human resources department can help to manage your staff more efficiently and effectively."


Take your company to the next level with ATOSS. This workforce software will digitize your employment planning and tracking to optimize growth and help you meet your goals. With this system, you get access to 24/7 support from knowledgeable representatives who can help solve your problems in real time. It allows you to have access to these features:

  • Budgeting
  • Forecasting
  • Scheduling
  • Strategic planning
  • Time tracking
  • Analytics

ATOSS also provides employees with higher satisfaction, as it gives them autonomy with their scheduling. At the same time, the system helps with compliance and cost efficiency.


HR departments large and small will appreciate the features that Replicon offers. The makers of this software understand that time is valuable, and that's why the time-management system they've created helps you optimize your time and that of your employees. With Replicon, it's remarkably easy to clock in, request vacation time, and much more through a mobile-friendly app or a web browser. This workforce software is ideal for those who want to:

  • Track employee absences
  • Manage a remote workforce
  • Monitor budgeting and labor costs
  • Streamline payroll
  • Execute better compliance management


Because Deputy is a cloud-based workforce management tool, managers and business owners can easily track employee data and progress from anywhere. It has an auto-scheduling feature that makes scheduling hassle-free. By tracking employee preferences for time slots, days of the week, and even vacation time, the program can create schedules that fit your employees' needs. Deputy is useful for those in a variety of industries, including:

  • Health care
  • Retail
  • Security
  • Management and logistics
  • Hospitality

Start with a free trial to decide if this is the right software for your company before you commit.


With Planday, you can handle all of your important administrative tasks. This includes managing:

  • Employee schedules
  • Working hours
  • Shift swaps
  • Vacation requests
  • Payroll

Use Planday if your company needs its managers to have the capability to email and communicate with employees quickly. It features an integrated communication function that makes communicating convenient for everyone. You can also monitor employees to understand when to schedule them so they work their best and are the most productive. The software offers an excellent support system that's available 24/7 and training to make your experience simple and smooth.


Make the onboarding process at your company better than ever with Ento workforce software. This program allows employees to download an app on their device for onboarding that will help them ease into the environment at your organization immediately. They can even digitally sign all necessary documentation to help eliminate new hire errors and payroll issues. Managers can use the software's features to communicate with new hires, making them feel welcome and comfortable. A few of Ento's most notable benefits include that it:

  • Empowers staff through simple engagement and communication tools
  • Provides better visibility of your staffing through scheduling features
  • Helps managers at all levels in both midsize and small businesses


If you're looking for all-inclusive workforce management software for your small or midsize business, you might be interested in PeopleHR. This software has a centralized control platform and offers insightful reports for recruitment pipelines, performance management, and more. With the performance management feature, you can:

  • Track absences
  • Measure skills
  • Conduct peer reviews
  • Monitor progress
  • Search for employees easily

Thanks to its employee-friendly features, this workforce software can boost employee engagement and satisfaction. By automating time-consuming HR tasks, PeopleHR can also improve productivity for the entire department, which can trickle down to the rest of your organization.


Companies from around the world rely on the services that Quinyx offers. Automating scheduling is just one way they can make running your company and managing your employees less stressful. This software can also:

  • Improve employee satisfaction
  • Boost employee retention
  • Allow for calendar management
  • Anticipate workforce needs
  • Optimize labor coverage
  • Track employee time and hours

Helping your HR department make the most of their time means an improved bottom line. Quinyx gives your company the tools it needs to make managing and tracking employees a smooth and successful task. The software takes care of automating and tracking to free up your employees' time for more important tasks.

While every small and midsize business is unique, they all have one thing in common — the need to manage employees. To make the job of managing your employees stress-free, having the right workforce management software can provide the relief you need to strategize and set goals that will take your company further than you thought possible. From automating your scheduling to tracking time off requests and benefits, these software packages can make employee-related tasks simple.

Discover more about hiring and managing employees at your small business:

When hiring, think about these five reasons why job seekers often abandon the hiring process.

Learn how to create an effective employee engagement survey to improve employee satisfaction.

Before your next interview, read these interview questions that small business owners should ask.

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