How recruiters and hiring managers help build talent acquisition tools

Throughout the year, CareerBuilder releases product updates – from fixes to new and exciting features designed to help you find qualified candidates, faster. And each of those updates is informed by the needs of recruiters and hiring managers at companies of all sizes. 

Our customer success, sales and account managers are always listening to the needs of clients, prospective customers and talent acquisition professionals, and now we have a formal process to streamline that feedback and make those wishes a reality. 

As part of our Building For YouTM promise, we want to ensure our talent acquisition tools are as effective as possible at finding and hiring the best candidates for you. Our client advocacy process is designed to drive an internal-external feedback loop for product direction, based on the simple idea of bringing together three key audiences. 

Gather internal stakeholders 

CareerBuilder leaders who represent all functional areas of talent acquisition, from teams that serve large corporations to local small businesses, come together to discuss trends in client and customer behavior and share direct feedback. We take this time to establish product functionality and usage, as well as identify common or consistent requests from potential clients. There are two takeaways from these discussions: what can be addressed internally and what needs outside insight.  

Find the right external perspectives 

If clients are under-utilizing tools, or others are more popular, we want to understand why. In keeping with our mission of Empowering Employment, our team seeks out the clients, customers or external audiences that would be impacted by suggestions in internal discussions, or users who could provide additional feedback. We setup time with each client or user to present ideas, better understand the impact and usage of products, solicit recommendations, and always connecting back to the central point of attracting, hiring and retaining talent.  

Share and take next steps 

With feedback and in-depth insight in hand, it’s time for our teams to reconvene, share findings and align on a path forward. Clients help steer the CareerBuilder product roadmap, with our teams absorbing direct feedback as they head into production. Our clients and users know exactly what they need to stay ahead of the game, and smart hiring is about collaboration and partnership – beyond a straightforward job board. 

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Webinar Recording: Mastering Modern Recruiting

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