How a collaborative environment contributes to better business outcomes

In an effort to share the stories of the CareerBuilder employees who are hard at work #BuildingForYou, we continue our employee feature series, from celebrating individuality and lending personal experience to their insight on industry trends and everything in between.

Meet Jolie Moody, a Customer Success Manager with our team in Chicago. From the beginning, Jolie has spent her time learning and growing at the company. She shares her perspective of working at an innovative company and provides some great advice for starting a new role. 

Learn more about Jolie’s work at CareerBuilder and where you can find her when she has some time away.  

What is your current role at CareerBuilder? 

Since joining in 2018, I have been a Customer Success Manager with the Consumer Services division in the Chicago office.  

What do you enjoy most about working at CareerBuilder? 

I love the collaborative environment at the company. When I joined CareerBuilder, most of my team was new, and we grew and learned from each other. My teammates are always available when I have a question, and we always go the extra mile for the betterment of our customers and the company. This isn't just unique to my immediate team. Other teams in our tech or support divisions have gone above and beyond to help me. Through these internal partnerships, we enable the success of our customers and become a trusted partner, not just a vendor.  

What is your favorite project that you have worked on during your time at CareerBuilder?  

I recently joined CB Cares, and I have loved it from the beginning; CB Cares is an employee-led organization that helps fosters our company culture through employee service, volunteering, diversity and inclusion. After the protests across the country, CareerBuilder came together and wanted our opinions on what the company could do to help facilitate positive race relations. The team of more than 30 made suggestions and recommendations. One of the outcomes was Juneteenth being added to our list of paid holidays. That made me so proud to work for CareerBuilder, and I appreciated our leadership team for making sure CareerBuilder was a trailblazer in creating a safe space for minorities to express their concerns.  

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out at CareerBuilder? 

Learn to embrace change! CareerBuilder is always evolving and making changes to make the company stronger. There is so much to learn, so make sure you are ready to go from day 1. Take good notes, know that you can ask for help, buckle up and be prepared to learn a great deal of knowledge.  

What is the last book you read?  

"The Greatest Salesman in the World" by OG Mandino. I loved this book and it taught me lessons that will stay with me the rest of my life.  

 Where is your favorite place in the world?  

My favorite place in the world is sitting on my mom’s balcony in Key West Florida. It overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, and in the evening, we sit on the balcony feeling the breeze, watching the moon glisten while we talk. My mother is getting older, and I know I will not have her forever, so I cherish every moment with her. She is my best friend, and there is no place in the world I would rather be. 

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