Is a clunky background check process costing you quality candidates?

Rachel Nauen

Most employers know that conducting background checks is an important business practice, but few invest time to evaluate the candidate experience, ease of use, simplicity and impact on the hiring process. Nearly 2 in 5 employers have lost a job candidate because of a poor experience with their background check process, and more than half of candidates think less of a company if they had a negative experience with its HR technology.

What Does This Mean for You?

You worked hard to find quality candidates, so avoid losing them during screening. Take a look at your background check process and follow these three strategies to a faster, better candidate experience.

  1. Are you working with the best partner?  Make sure your provider keeps up with compliance standards, is Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) accredited and provides timely communication and support to candidates. 
  2. How does your timing rank? The longer the background check, the higher the risk of losing the candidate to another employer. Typically, background checks should return in less than five business days, but on average take 24-72 business hours to complete. If your average check takes longer, start asking why.
  3. Have you experienced your own process? It's important for employers to walk through the screening process firsthand to make sure it's easy and straightforward. Is anything unclear or lengthy? If so, start your improvements there. Ready to level up on candidate experience during background checks? Here are 8 more ways to enhance it. 


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