6 Ways the Best Small Business Managers Set Themselves Apart

Pete Jansons

The heights a small business can reach depend largely on the competency of management. But what distinguishes an unsuccessful manager from a successful one? Check out these habits of effective small business managers:

  1. They create and promote a vision. A small business leader with a clearly defined mission sets the stage for accomplishing goals. An overall plan keeps everyone on track because tasks can be looked at in the context of what they contribute to the “big picture.” Sharing the vision ups employee engagement by helping workers feel like a part of something great. Similarly, clarity about what your small business stands for builds a solid brand that attracts customers and potential talent alike.
  2. They organize and prioritize. Small business teams juggle an assortment of tasks on a daily basis. To get things done well and on schedule, managers need to possess excellent time-management They also must convey to their staff where to focus efforts, and they watch that workloads do not become too stressful for any individual.
  3. They lead by example. Managers who work hard, treat others with respect and exhibit positive energy set the tone for a thriving workplace. Company culture starts at the top, so smart small business owners assess their own actions and behaviors before looking at anyone else’s.
  4. They encourage others to take ownership. Successful small business managers work diligently to hire people they can trust to perform well. With this capable support system in place, leaders needn’t feel like they must constantly monitor activities or do everything themselves. Some of the best train their employees to be solution-oriented. For instance, when a staff member brings up a problem or complaint, these bosses ask that possible suggestions to fix or remedy it be presented too.
  5. They know when to seek help. Good small business leaders realize that outside assistance can be vital to growth. This might involve hiring experts to implement a tech upgrade or turning to network connections for advice on hiring strategies. In today’s ever-changing global marketplace, reaching out can be the difference between a small business evolving with the times or stagnating.
  6. They communicate. The most successful small business managers put a premium on communication because they see it as the key to building relationships. They solicit input from customers, vendors and employees in order to judge what is working and what needs improvement. They know that listening doesn’t simply mean keeping quiet while others talk, and they truly aim to comprehend and assess what is being said in order to respond accordingly. Lastly, they realize the importance of timely, thoughtful feedback. Constructive conversation prevents minor problems from becoming larger ones, and appreciative praise lets others know exactly what they are doing correctly to make the small business a better place.


Take your management skills to the next level. Check out How to Build Trust with Your Employees.


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