7 recruitment best practices to use for hiring top talent

7 recruitment best practices to use for hiring top talent

As the competition for talent continues to grow, companies are constantly looking for innovative ways to find candidates. Fortunately, there are more resources and technologies than ever to attract top talent to your organization — but how do you decide what recruitment strategy works best? Learn what fellow recruiters do to differentiate themselves in a competitive market and discover how you can reinvent recruitment at your organization. Here are some recruitment best practices you can implement for effective talent acquisition.

Inquire about new ways to attract talent

As you find and interview candidates for open positions, take the opportunity to learn how they're searching for jobs. If you notice new trends emerging, you can use this information to adjust how you source candidates moving forward.

You can glean some helpful information by asking questions during initial candidate interviews. For example, you can ask an applicant where they're posting their resume or what tools they're using in their job search. Use this information to determine trends, and then work with other leaders in your organization to decide what trends are worth the investment.

Analyze your current strategy

Make time to review your recruiting strategy and identify areas where you can improve. It might be helpful to survey recent new hires about their experiences applying for a job with the company. Get their feedback to learn what worked, what didn't work, and where the organization can improve. By doing so, you can improve the process for future applicants.

Leverage data wisely

As you review your existing strategy, use data to gain insights about the hiring process. Some key recruitment metrics to consider include time to hire, cost per hire, and acceptance rate. As you choose what metrics to review, consider the following questions:

  • What problem(s) are you trying to solve?
  • What will you do with the data?
  • What can this data tell you about the return on investment for a particular strategy?

Keep the practices that still work

Just because there are new recruiting trends doesn't mean you have to get rid of the old ones. Determine what works well in your recruiting strategy and commit to keeping it, even as you integrate new recruitment best practices. For example, you may continue to cold call candidates, rather than send emails, to personalize the experience. This type of approach can make candidates feel valued, increasing the chances they will respond to your outreach.

"Just because there are new recruiting trends doesn't mean you have to get rid of the old ones."

Enhance your employer brand

Your employer brand influences how potential candidates view the company. Make sure it aligns with the organization's mission and culture. Enlist help from leadership and others in the company to build an employer brand.

When building an employer brand, work with the organization's marketing team. Marketing professionals can help you sell the company's brand in job postings and other application materials. When potential candidates know more about the organization, its mission, and the people who work there, they may be more likely to apply for a position.

Use social media

Most hiring decision-makers know that social media can be an effective way to evaluate and screen candidates. But social media is a two-way conversation, so use it to your advantage in recruiting by sharing information about the company with potential applicants. Think of social media as the call center of the future. On the company's channels, post about the organizational culture. Share information that potential candidates may be interested in knowing when deciding whether to apply for an open position.

Develop your sales skills

Throughout the hiring process, make sure you sell the company as a place where people want to work. What are the perks the company offers? Whether it's flexible work hours, career advancement opportunities, or comprehensive employee benefits, emphasize those perks as you speak with candidates.

As a recruiter, you should also use your business acumen to describe the organization to candidates and make them excited to apply for a position. Use your knowledge to negotiate and sell during all stages of recruitment.

Recruiting can involve a lot of variables, but strategic, consistent efforts can pay off. Use these recruitment best practices to shape your strategy and find top talent for your organization.

More tips for effective recruiting:

Looking for more top hiring strategies? Here are some additional ways to give your recruitment strategy a boost.

It can be tough to attract top candidates in today's job market. Here are the elements of a successful recruiting strategy.

Sometimes, the best candidate is one who already works for the company. Check out these best practices for internal recruiting.

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