Top things trending in HR now

What's trending in HR right now?

What's trending in HR right now?

Human resource (HR) management has experienced significant changes over the last few years. The shifting landscape means HR professionals must constantly readjust to ensure the workplace remains current through a sometimes chaotic and continuously transforming environment. Making timely adjustments to your HR department and general workplace will ensure you can keep up with the trends. Continue reading to learn some of the growing HR trends as of 2023.

Supporting hybrid work

Due to COVID-19, many workplaces previously required all employees to work from home. While many have returned to the office, some companies allowed workers to continue in remote roles. Additionally, some organizations introduced the concept of flexible workdays, where employees could clock in at home or on-site. Many now have the necessary tools to work effectively from a home office.

Several types of hybrid workplaces are currently trending. For example, some organizations allow employees who prefer it or can work outside of the office to work remotely every day. Others allow flexible remote hours or days. Rather than having a dedicated workplace, some offer a collaborative environment where employees can book a place to work in the office several days a week. Adopting these techniques can allow your organization to scale back on rent and real estate costs while ensuring workplace productivity.

Some speculate that a required return to the physical office could lead to quiet quitting. Quiet quitting refers to workers who are no longer fully immersed in their role. They may take on fewer tasks, and you may notice a drop in their performance. Hybrid offices can discourage employees, including those in HR, from mentally checking out of their work by providing an environment where they feel engaged.

Managing workplace stress

HR departments throughout the United States have been taking steps to improve the well-being of employees. Many HR workers have the task of reducing workplace stress to help improve mental health in the office. Paying close attention to this trend is vital because 81% of workers claim they'll look for a job that prioritizes employee mental health. HR departments are responding to this trend by taking more steps to improve employees' access to resources that support them. Programs emphasizing self-care, mental health, and work-life balance are on the rise.

Your organization can reduce stress by expanding mental health treatment options, including providing free counseling sessions for your employees. Some workplaces also offer financial resources, such as access to financial planning professionals and special credit management services. These benefits help maintain engagement and interest in work, particularly when workers don't have to focus on problems impacting their personal lives.

Ensuring each worker can openly communicate with HR can also lessen workplace stress. If an employee experiences a problem, such as workplace harassment, they should feel certain they can report it in a safe environment without worrying about repercussions.

"As workplace technology transforms and becomes more effective, HR leaders can prioritize reskilling and upskilling."

Providing digital collaboration and engagement platforms

Digital collaboration is advantageous when you're working in a hybrid space or prefer recording your meetings for future review. If you work in HR, you may have started integrating new collaborative platforms to enhance productivity and skill sharing. Even if your department doesn't work remotely, incorporating Microsoft Office, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or similar applications into your daily tasks can benefit your organization. Training your team members to use these tools can create a more efficient workplace.

One goal of digital collaboration tools is to improve engagement, which can quell trends such as quiet quitting and employee burnout. Digital resources can help reduce feelings of isolation and remind employees they're part of a team. These tools can help team members stay engaged and encourage active participation in team projects. Effective engagement tools include karaoke, treasure hunts, board games, and virtual events. Regardless of whether someone works remotely in another state or the office, you can connect with each person.

Arranging for employee reskilling and upskilling

As workplace technology transforms and becomes more effective, HR leaders can prioritize reskilling and upskilling. As an HR professional, seek opportunities to build new skills and help your employees to do the same. Reskilling can train team members to take on various roles within the organization. Thanks to digital tools, improved access to on-demand training is available, enabling everyone to expand their skills conveniently. 

Many of the most important skills a person can develop are inherently human, which technology can't match. Specific ways in which HR workers may reskill or upskill include the following:

Read data to improve decision-making

HR professionals can reskill by using data analytics to optimize decision-making. Using analytical tools will help you prove yourself as a reliable, dedicated team member. One way to bolster skills in this area is to ensure you can access both qualitative and quantitative data related to your field.

Refine communication techniques

While some are considering using artificial intelligence (AI) to create communications in the future, many still prefer a personal touch. AI tools may be helpful, but they don't offer the same personalization as humans. If you can improve your communication skills, you can stay one step ahead of these tools.

Enhance social and cultural intelligence abilities

Social and cultural intelligence is a uniquely human skill. For one, developing this skill can help build inclusivity in a workplace. You'll be able to connect with others in the office when you have strong social and cultural intelligence skills. Regular training can help you use these skills to provide excellent leadership and deliver exceptional customer service.

It's vital that you, as an HR professional, recognize that skills-based hiring is growing increasingly important. Employers are beginning to value skills and experience beyond college degrees. This hiring practice is an important way to add qualified candidates and improve diversity within your organization.

Automating tasks

Think about how much time your HR team spends on repetitive tasks. Your team could benefit from automating some of these tasks so that you don't have to touch everything that comes across your desk. A few tasks your HR team may choose to automate include the following:

  • Onboarding new employees: Whether you collect resumes or require online tests to help you choose potential candidates, automating this process can significantly reduce the time these tasks demand.
  • Leave requests: When leave requests come through, you may find it helpful to have a system that arranges leave and time off for you.
  • Payroll: If someone is still physically in charge of managing specific steps in the payroll process, your office may not be using time effectively. Programs can manage payroll for you and help you with timesheet management.

Of course, trends will continue to change over time. While many HR departments are taking steps to keep up with new developments, trends will likely shift over the next few years. The good news is that participating in these trends can prepare you for the next wave of changes your department will face.

Related reading: adjusting to trends in HR

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