The best practices for reference checks: 6 questions to make the most of your conversations

The best practices for reference checks: 6 questions to make the most of your conversations

If you're a small business owner already pressed for time and eager to fill vacancies, you may gloss over the process of checking references. But skimping now can cause major repercussions later when a bad hire takes a toll on your company and forces you back to recruiting from square one.

View reference checks as an opportunity, not a chore. Go beyond the basics to uncover valuable insights to supplement what you've learned from the resume and interview. This article looks at some compelling questions that can help you implement the best practices for reference checks and get insightful input on your potential employees.

How to do a reference check

Before diving into the deep end of how to check references, you need to wade into the process and ensure you've covered the preliminaries. First and foremost, ensure you have quality references who can give you valuable insights into the job candidate. Instead of asking for a list of just any references, specify who you'd like to speak with, such as a previous boss, a former subordinate, and a peer, to get a well-rounded evaluation of the candidate's work style.

If you're unclear about who you want to speak with, you may end up with a list of friends and family members who can speak to character but not professional skills and specific experiences with the candidate in the workplace.

You may work with the candidate during the interview to craft their list of references. If the individual mentions something particularly intriguing, ask for a reference to back it up. For example, if the candidate speaks about a data analysis program they helped develop, ask for a reference to someone who worked on the development team.

How to get the most out of reference check questions

Properly phrasing your questions when speaking with a reference is essential so you can draw the most information possible out of them. Follow these best practices for reference checks:

  • Ask open-ended questions rather than those requiring a yes or no answer.
  • Reference specific accomplishments or duties of the candidate in question and ask the reference to elaborate on them.
  •  Provide details on the job you're hiring for and ask for examples of how the candidate might suit that position.
  • Be careful not to provide the answer you want within the question, such as "Can Susan multitask while maintaining an upbeat attitude?"
  • Follow up with the candidate if you find discrepancies to avoid unfavorable assumptions from a misunderstanding.

"You may work with the candidate during the interview to craft their list of references."

Ask compelling questions

If you don't know how to do a reference check or need some fresh content to ensure your conversations are productive, there are several helpful questions to keep in mind. Use them as a springboard for your reference checks.

What are this person's daily responsibilities?

This question is suitable for a former supervisor or peer. The list of responsibilities and tasks the reference gives you should closely match what the applicant has told you. If there seem to be significant discrepancies, ask pointed follow-ups, such as, "What percentage of the day would you say Ms. Smith spent supervising others?" or "How many hours per week do you think Mr. Jones interacted with your top client?"

What are this person's strengths and weaknesses?

While you probably posed a similar question to the candidate, getting an outside opinion can add credibility to those interview statements or reveal new food for thought. This question is especially insightful when you pose it to a subordinate, as they may reveal information about the candidate's leadership style.

What level of access would you grant this person regarding company money or confidential information?

Intimate quarters at a small business mean employees may encounter things they wouldn't likely deal with at larger places. A dishonest worker could cost your company dearly, so make this question a standard when speaking to any references.

How would you describe this person's ability to relate to others?

This question is crucial when hiring for a small business because staff members work closely together and depend upon one another. Pose it to former bosses and co-workers to understand how this applicant might enhance or hinder workplace culture.

How well do you feel this person handles stress?

Members of your small business team undoubtedly will need to wear many hats and do more with less. Think twice about hiring someone who has trouble switching gears or has a reputation as a nervous wreck.

Is there anything else you think I should know about this person?

Finishing with this open-ended question allows the reference to go in any direction. While you might receive a polite wrap-up summary, you could also get an unexpected negative or positive answer. The reference may reveal unfavorable feelings or issues of concern, or you may uncover hidden talents or poignant demonstrations of character. Probe as necessary, but take time to listen. What you hear may surprise you.

When you conduct them properly, reference checks can yield a wealth of information and serve as the missing piece in your hiring puzzle, ultimately helping you find the ideal candidate.

More tips on hiring the right people:

Speed up the process without sacrificing quality so you can fill job openings fast.

Enlist your current employees to help recruit new hires through an engaging employee referral program.

Evaluate your company culture and identify key values so you can attract the right talent.

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