5 actions every recruiter should take in today's talent landscape

5 actions every recruiter should take in today's talent landscape

Knowing the talent landscape can enable you to create an effective talent acquisition strategy. But staying on top of workforce trends can be challenging, especially when they are constantly evolving. Here are some top trends in today's talent landscape, along with steps you can take to adapt quickly for success.

Types of talent landscapes

The talent landscape continues to shift as workforce trends change and evolve over time. Today, many workplaces now have employees spanning five generations, each with its own values, traits, and communication styles. Additionally, as older employees retire, it's become essential for organizations to train and develop younger ones who can step into leadership roles.

Besides a multi-generational workforce, another trend in the talent landscape is the demand for flexible work models. According to recent research from McKinsey and Company, 58% of U.S. employees can work remotely at least one day per week. What's more, 87% of employees jump at the chance to work remotely when offered the opportunity. As your organization navigates the changing talent landscape, consider whether a flexible work model can help you attract and retain top talent.

Finally, a major trend in today's talent landscape is the continued shortage of available workers. Recent data shows there are 73 workers for every 100 open positions in the U.S. In this type of hiring landscape, you should be prepared to compete for skilled candidates to fill vacancies in your organization.

Now that you know about some different types of talent landscapes, how can you use these trends to recruit and hire effectively? Here are some actions you can take to shape your talent acquisition strategy.

Optimize your job postings

In a competitive hiring landscape, attracting the right candidates starts with optimizing your job postings for success. Advertise roles using standard titles to improve your postings’ searchability. For example, candidates are more likely to search for the term "marketing manager" than "marketing rock star." Consider these other tips to optimize your job postings:

  • Stick to the essentials. Encourage people to apply for open positions by narrowing your job descriptions to the essential skills, requirements, and expectations. If you provide a laundry list of job requirements, for example, you may discourage potential candidates from applying.
  • Be transparent about pay. It's no secret that pay is a major factor for many candidates in today's market. If possible, be transparent about the salary you're offering for the role, which can set your posting apart.
  • Emphasize the benefits. In addition to pay, highlight some other benefits you can offer, such as remote work or flexible schedules. In other words, sell your company and the open position to prospective applicants.

Don't forget to post your vacancies where prospective candidates can find them. Major job boards, such as CareerBuilder's job postings, can help your posting reach applicants quickly. Smaller, niche job sites can also be a good way to find skilled talent, particularly if you're hiring for a role requiring specialized knowledge or experience.

Leverage applicant data

Do you know where your applicants are coming from? Analyze your applicant sources regularly to keep up with new trends. This approach can allow you to re-evaluate where you're allocating your funds. For example, if 40% of your applicants are coming from one job site but you only spend 20% of your hiring budget there, you may choose to make adjustments moving forward. Leverage applicant data to determine where your recruitment dollars get the highest return and invest accordingly.

Make your resume database work for you

With more open jobs than available workers, you can’t wait for candidates to find you. Instead, take a proactive approach to recruiting. Start with a resume database, which can save you loads of time and money. With a resume database, you can search for candidates with the skills and experience you need.

When using a resume database, make sure you're choosing the right keywords for the role you're trying to fill. Include the job title, location, and specific experience you want candidates to have. For example, if you're hiring a web developer, you may use the terms "web developer," "New York City," "user experience," "HTML," and "backend development." This type of search will allow you to find candidates who meet the role's requirements.

"With more open jobs than available workers, you can’t wait for candidates to find you. Instead, take a proactive approach to recruiting."

Embrace CRM software

Candidates today need and want more personal attention. Investing in candidate relationship management software can help you provide a better experience. Even if you don't hire a candidate the first time they apply, you may consider them for future opportunities. With today's CRM software, you can automatically re-engage prior candidates. A solution such as CareerBuilder's Talent Network enables you to build a pipeline of interested candidates and automatically re-engage them over time.

Build future leaders

With more baby boomers exiting the workforce every day, your talent acquisition strategy should focus in part on retaining younger employees and preparing them for future leadership roles within your organization. Identify the top-performing employees on your team, and offer them opportunities for career growth. Focus on ongoing learning and development, such as mentorship programs or leadership training. Additionally, provide upskilling opportunities to expand the skill set of your existing workforce. When you prioritize professional development, you're preparing your organization for future success.

Today's talent landscape looks much different than it did even a few years ago. Follow these best practices to optimize your recruiting efforts, hire skilled talent, and build your workforce to remain competitive in the years to come.

More tips on recruiting and hiring:

If you want to hire top talent for your organization, consider these seven recruitment best practices.

Do you have a goal to revamp your recruitment strategy? Here are six essential elements for success.

Skills-based hiring can ensure you choose the right candidate for a role. Follow these tips to use this strategy wisely.

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