Working Dads Feel They Can Have it All

Ladan Nikravan Hayes


Father's Day is almost upon us, and recent CareerBuilder data shows that the majority of working dads (and moms) think they can have it all. Of workers who have a child living at home, 78 percent say it’s possible to be successful in your career and as a parent. And while more than half of workers with a child in the household (51 percent) say they feel equally successful in their roles at work and as a parent, more than half of working dads (56 percent) feel this way, compared to only 47 percent of working moms.

Who’s Bringing Home the Bacon?

When it comes to bringing home the bacon, the survey found that both parents are responsible — less than a third (32 percent) of workers who are parents say they are the sole financial provider in their household. But when working parents are asked how likely they are to leave their job if their spouse or significant other made enough money for their family to live comfortably, only a quarter (25 percent) say they are likely. Similarly, 65 percent of employees with a child in the household said they are not willing to take a decrease in pay to spend more time with their kids – a similar feeling in working dads (65 percent) and moms (66 percent).

Juggling Time Between Work and Home

Time at the office is taking a toll on some families. While the majority of working parents (66 percent) spend at least three hours a day with their kids each day, more than a third (38 percent) have missed a significant event in their child’s life due to work in the last year, and more than 1 in 5 (21 percent) have missed three or more events.

When work gets in the way of family time, kids notice. Nearly a quarter of working parents (24 percent) say their children have asked them to work less, and a similar proportion (23 percent) say work is negatively affecting their relationships with their children.

What Can You Do to Help?

The stress of trying to manage responsibilities at home and at work can take a toll on your employees’ productivity. Share these three strategies to help employees plan their work life, complete projects and achieve a sense of work-life balance:

  • Know the rules: Even in a flexible environment, there are rules. It could be that you’re given free rein in terms of when you arrive and when you leave, or there may be ranges of time when your employer expects you to be in. Make sure you’re aware of what’s expected, and stay within those boundaries.
  • Get into a rhythm: Others on the team will undoubtedly need to know when you’re coming or going. Maybe Mondays you’re in early and out early, and Fridays you arrive later than usual to get an early morning workout in. Make it easy for your team to know when they can drop by your desk and chat about the latest project.
  • Remember that deliverables come first: Make sure you know what you’re expected to deliver and when. Enjoying the freedom of self-scheduling works best when you assure your boss the work will get done on time and as committed.

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