Win with CareerBuilder managed hiring campaigns

When you commit to a race of any kind, there’s typically a finish line. Not so in the seemingly endless race for talent, as recruiters understand all too well. If you’re running out of steam in your quest to attract and retain new employees, CareerBuilder can offer the tools you need to reenergize your hiring efforts with managed hiring campaigns.

CareerBuilder managed hiring campaigns will increase the number of candidates at the top of your funnel, quickly filter out anyone who isn’t a fit, and hand deliver top applicants to you, freeing you and your team up to focus on the spoils that await you at the finish line – interviewing and making new hires.

We offer three types of cost-effective hiring campaigns – in-person, phone interviews, and online chat – over the course of 10 or 15 days of sourcing to help you go the distance without depleting your already-stretched-thin resources.

How CareerBuilder managed hiring campaigns work

We take a four-pronged approach to deliver top talent on time and increase event ROI, exposure, and applicant flow by 300%.

•          Attract: The CareerBuilder project team leverages a comprehensive recruitment strategy to drive and attract both active and passive candidates to your event.

•          Qualify: We utilize customized screener and knock-out questions to gather candidate details and qualify a pool of talent for each event.

•          Convert: CareerBuilder converts three times more applicants through our automated, mobile-friendly scheduling process.

•          Engage: We use customized text and email auto-reminders to stay connected to candidates and increase event show rate.

To find out how CareerBuilder can help with the leg work so you can focus on winning the race for quality talent, visit today to request a free personalized demonstration.


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