We are all recruiters: How CareerBuilder made 100+ hires in 3 months

We are all recruiters: How CareerBuilder made 100+ hires in 3 months
At CareerBuilder, we partner with companies to help them find, hire and manage their people. But what happens when we are the ones who need to hire – and grow our workforce substantially?

Join CareerBuilder HR leaders Andrew Katz, Brandi Frattini and Kristin McDonald as they share how the team accomplished the goal of making 100+ hires in just three months – and how CareerBuilder employees played a vital role, because after all, we are all recruiters.

The 30-minute webinar will cover:
• The top 4 things to consider in your hiring plan
• How to combat the tight labor market
• Making your employees part of the brand
• Cultivating employee engagement through social sharing

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