How to use data and automation tools to recruit and manage applicants

Sourcing data, understanding candidate behavior and utilizing automation tools can take your hiring strategy to the next level. From improving efficiency on your hiring team to finding better candidates, even faster, leaning on these tech tools to augment your team is a smart move to navigate an influx of resumes. Automating mundane tasks (like writing job posts and searching for data) allows your team to focus on people, stay ahead of the competition and be ready for any labor market. 

Keep reading for how to use CareerBuilder data and automation tools to support your team throughout the hiring process. 

Gather candidate insights to set yourself up for success 

Even before you post the job, do you understand the market where you’re recruiting or the competitive compensation for that role? Leverage Talent Discovery to understand the labor market, instantly. You’ll get an in-depth view of candidate supply and demand for the position you’re recruiting for, and gain insight on hiring difficulties for that role. This tool also provides competitive salary info, so you can offer the right pay to attract top talent. Take it one step further with our Jobfeed tool, which helps you understand what’s happening in your local labor market and gain access to real time insights to share with stakeholders. Identify and analyze trends, save searches, see who else is hiring and more. These types of tools should be standard in your recruitment process to navigate this evolving work world. 

Save time on mundane tasks and appeal to more diverse candidates 

Once you’ve dug deep into the data to get a full picture of the candidate landscape before you start recruiting, it’s time to post the job. On average, recruiters and hiring managers spend 20 hours per week just posting jobs. Here’s how to reduce time spent on posting jobs down to 4 hours – and finding better talent in the process. Whether you’re starting from scratch or regularly recruit or hire for one position, are you sure those descriptions are as strong as they can be? CareerBuilder’s AI job description tool pulls from more than 2 billion data points to write the description for you. See a candidate appeal rating, competing jobs, average salary and candidate matches. Plus, the tool will flag wording that could be more gender neutral.  

Right now, workers who have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and are looking for any sort of job might end up applying to roles that they aren’t really qualified for. These tools will help more efficiently target candidates to make sure you get the talent you’re looking for, and the worker finds relevant jobs. 

Hire more efficiently through automatically matching and communicating with candidates 

As candidates start rolling in, you’ll need behind-the-scenes automation to filter, match and communicate with applicants. These tools will help you close the deal and hire quality candidates, as well as build a talent network and pipeline. 

You’ve posted strong job descriptions backed by data and optimized by AI – round it out with our Talent Discovery Platform that allows you to spend more time hiring. In addition to 25 candidate matches daily, and a list of relevant candidates, our AI job recommendation tools put your post in front of candidates in easy to find ways, including our website, app, emails and messaging.  

This process can be supported by our automated recruitment marketing platform, Talent Network. Take your branding and communications to the next level while reducing the amount of time it takes to keep your talent pipeline full. With 3x the highest open rates and 5x the click through rate for job recommendations, you’ll be communicating directly with qualified, engaged candidates who had your job posting served to them at the right time. 

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