On-demand Webinar: "The ones that got away: why candidate experience matters"

If your job postings aren’t getting enough applicants, a bad candidate experience may be to blame. Candidates have many options, so if finding and applying to your jobs is cumbersome, confusing or takes too long, many won't stick it out.

Watch the on-demand webinar, "The ones that got away: why candidate experience matters," to learn how you can leverage three key areas of your process to start turning more job seekers into applicants.


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3 things to know about the June 2019 jobs report
3 things to know about the June 2019 jobs report

The US economy added 224,000 new jobs in June while the unemployment rate increased to 3.7%.

AUG 15TH WEBINAR: Rethink your recruiting workflows to maximize resources & outcomes

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