Seasonal Hiring Forecast: Summer Hiring Is Expected to Rise Sharply

Ladan Nikravan Hayes

Good news for those looking for a paying gig this summer: Companies plan to hire more than they have the past decade – with higher pay. According to a new CareerBuilder survey, 41 percent of employers plan to hire seasonal workers for the summer, a significant jump from 29 percent last year. More than 3 in 4 employers hiring for the summer (79 percent) will pay their summer hires or interns $10 or more per hour on average — up from 74 percent in 2016. One in 5 employers (19 percent) plan to pay $20 or more per hour.

Who’s Hiring This Summer?

Employers hiring seasonal workers this summer by company size:

  • Companies with 50 or fewer employees — 28 percent are hiring summer workers, compared to 23 percent last year. 

  • Companies with 250 or fewer employees — 37 percent, compared to 27 percent last year.
  • Companies with more than 500 employees — 45 percent, compared to 31 percent last year.

Employers hiring seasonal workers, comparing the 10 most populous cities:

  • Miami: 66 percent
  • New York: 58 percent
  • Los Angeles: 45 percent
  • Washington DC: 46 percent
  • Chicago: 40 percent
  • Houston: 38 percent
  • Boston: 33 percent
  • Dallas: 29 percent
  • Atlanta: 28 percent
  • Philadelphia: 21 percent

Although summer jobs are commonly associated with recreation and outdoor work, many employers whose companies are hiring for the summer say they are hiring for a variety of professional and support positions, including:

  • Engineering: 27 percent
  • IT: 27 percent
  • Customer service: 22 percent
  • Office support: 19 percent
  • Sales: 15 percent
  • Manufacturing: 12 percent
  • Banking: 11 percent
  • Retail: 9 percent
  • Research: 9 percent
  • Hospitality/leisure: 8 percent

How to Hire Great Summer Workers

While the boosted economy is great news for job seekers, it means more competition for employers. And as hiring managers know, while most of the candidates may only be temporary, they still represent the business and should be held to the same high standards as permanent employees. Below are five helpful hints to consider when hiring the best summer help:

Shop early: Begin to post your seasonal openings early. Thirty-four percent of employers hiring for the summer say they typically complete their hiring in May — 31 percent are already done (typically finish in April or before). Twenty percent finish in June, 9 percent in July and another 7 percent in August.

Check references: In the best interest of your company, it is important with seasonal hires that you double check their references. Candidates who are available for temporary work should have previous employers listed as references who can attest to their performance, professionalism and character. If they refuse to provide a former employer as a reference, refuse to give their resume a second look.

Plan ahead: It never hurts to look at a candidate as a possible long-term employee rather than just a part-time hire. The majority of employers hiring this summer (79 percent) say they will consider some summer hires for permanent positions — up from 76 percent last year.

It’s OK to be choosey: Now is not the time to be frugal, but it is also not the time to be careless. Keep a scrutinizing eye on every application or resume you receive, looking for the qualities that would provide the best fit for your needs. You may have several positions open, but it is still important to pick the right person to fill each one.

Match your company’s culture: Good hiring managers search for candidates who will match their brand image and tone. Temporary workers should not only look and feel like they belong working at your company but also they should act like they belong. For example, you wouldn't hire a qualified candidate who just so happens to have the personality of Scrooge if you ran a company that sells cotton candy and bubbles.

Check out temporary hiring trends in 2017 and beyond.


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