Strategies and tactics for hiring quickly

Reducing time to hire is always a top priority for recruiters and hiring managers. When you need someone, you typically need them as soon as possible.  

With the current coronavirus pandemic contributing to explosive growth in several industries, many employers are looking to staff-up quicker than usual.  Here are four tactics and strategies to find great workers – faster. 

Let technology work for you 

Take the most time consuming recruiting activities off your plate and invest in HR tools that source, screen and deliver candidates right to your inbox. Use AI tools to write job descriptions for you, setup auto-response emails for common questions, and invest in platforms that automatically filter applicants based on your set parameters and help you build a talent pipeline. These systems save valuable time and money in your recruiting process, and allow you to hire more people – faster. 

Engage your network 

From past applicants to an employee referral program, you potentially have a pool of already-vetted candidates just waiting to be tapped. Proactively reach out to your resume database with targeted messages about open roles, and empower your employees to post on social media about job openings and what it’s like to work on your team. 

Show your hand  

Detail standard benefits like healthcare coverage, paid time off and 401k plans in the job description to encourage applicants. If your company offers anything unique that reflects your culture, or high-demand benefits like work from home flexibility, make sure to include those as well. Think about your ideal employees and share details about your company that would be appealing to potential new hires. 

Adjust parameters 

Evaluate the skills, education and experience you typically look for in a candidate, and consider how you can tweak or expand them. In a tight labor market – or changing economic environment – workers with skills from different backgrounds might be applicable to what you need. Does someone really need a degree to perform the job, or would some education plus experience suffice? Could this person work remotely or on a flexible schedule? Try to meet candidates where they are in their search. 


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