Small Business Employers Reveal Hiring Plans for Second Half of 2017

Pete Jansons

Now that it’s the half point of 2017, it’s a good time to check in and get a pulse on how small business employers and workers are feeling about their plans for the second half of the year.

According to CareerBuilder’s Midyear Job Forecast, half of small business employers plan to hire full-time, permanent staff over the next six months, and 2 in 5 plan to hire temporary or contract workers. Meanwhile, 1 in 4 workers at small businesses plan to change jobs in the next six months.

Below are highlights from the survey:

  • 50 percent of small business employers plan to hire full-time, permanent employees in the second half of 2017
  • 30 percent plan to hire part-time employees in the second half of 2017
  • 39 percent plan to hire temporary or contract workers in the second half of 2017
  • 24 percent of small business employers plan to hire interns in the second half of 2017
  • 32 percent plan to increase the number of HR professionals (including recruiters and sourcers) at their organizations in the second half of 2017

Salary Trends

The majority of small business employers (59 percent) say they feel they have to pay workers more to compete for top talent. Perhaps that explains why 60 percent of small business employers plan to increase compensation levels for current employees in the second half of 2017, and nearly half (46 percent) plan to increase starting salaries on job offers during this period.

Hiring in Q3 2017

Looking ahead, 41 percent of small business employers plan to hire full-time, permanent employees in the third quarter of 2017. Half (50 percent) anticipate no change, while only 6 percent expect to downsize staffs during this time. Three percent are undecided.

Employees Looking Elsewhere

One in four employees at small businesses (25 percent) said they are likely or very likely to change jobs in the second half of 2017. Dissatisfaction with salary, limited opportunities for growth and limited career advancement opportunities topped the reasons employees indicated they planned to change jobs.

Need to find and hire great employees for your small business? Post jobs, search resumes and find your next great hire.  

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Small Business Employers Reveal Hiring Plans for Second Half of 2017
Small Business Employers Reveal Hiring Plans for Second Half of 2017

Now that it’s the half point of 2017, it’s a good time to check in and get a pulse on how small business em...

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