Reach more candidates with cold calling using these brilliant ideas

Reach more candidates with cold calling using these brilliant ideas

Finding new ways to attract candidates to your open positions creates opportunities for hiring the best people to work for your company. Cold calling is one method recruiters use to find candidates who may not be actively seeking employment. If you think cold calling is a thing of the past, think again. Although you may not cold call in the same way as your predecessor, this recruitment strategy can lead you to qualified talent that wants to join your team. Let's explore cold calling in recruitment to learn how it works and how to use it.

What is cold calling in recruitment?

In recruitment, cold calling means phoning people to find out if they're interested in working for your company. The definition of a cold call is talking to someone who hasn't initiated contact with you. For recruitment, this means inquiring about someone's interest in a job even though that person hasn't submitted a resume or an application. According to, 50% of employed people are dissatisfied with their jobs. In addition, 61% of employees are considering looking for work soon, meaning they're open to new opportunities.

Because so many people are amenable to job offers, you could be missing out on a vast talent pool by not cold calling candidates as part of your recruitment strategy. With 61% of employees being open to new roles, a high-quality candidate could be just a phone call away from working for you. Of course, there are both pros and cons to cold calling in recruitment.

Pros of cold calling in recruitment

Consider these advantages of cold calling potential employees:

  • You can have a real conversation with someone you want to hire.
  • You get a chance to discuss the job and answer questions.
  • You make new contacts and bring awareness to your company and its mission.
  • You provide a positive first experience with your company.

Cons of cold calling in recruitment 

These are some downsides you may experience when cold calling:

  • The people you call might not answer.
  • They may be rude because they don't understand why you're calling.
  • They may doubt that you have a job for them.
  • They could be annoyed that you got their contact information without their permission.

How to make a cold call in recruitment

Knowing how to cold call in recruitment can help you reach more people and find the right fit for your open role. Follow these steps to make the most of your cold calling recruitment strategy.

Prepare for the call

It's never a good idea to call people randomly without a plan. Preparing for making cold calls ensures you sound confident and relaxed when someone answers the phone. It helps to rehearse in front of the mirror or with a colleague. Practice a variety of answers and dialogues that could arise so you're ready for anything. The more cold calls you make, the better you'll get at it.

Use a rough script

A rough script can help you move the conversation in the right direction. You don't need to read a defined text like a robot or telemarketer; you want the conversation to flow naturally. A script can help you stay on track or move the discussion back to the job if it strays.

"With 61% of employees being open to new roles, a high-quality candidate could be just a phone call away from working for you."

Explain the value of the job

The point of your call is to sell the candidate an opportunity with your company. Discuss the value of the job and what you think they can bring to your team. Encourage them to join you by building them and your company up. People want to feel that their work is important, so ensure you include this essential element in your discussion.

Address questions and concerns

Allow your potential employee to ask questions and explain their concerns. When you give the other person a chance to speak, you demonstrate that you care about your employees and their opinions. If they have questions, it shows they're interested, and you don't want to discourage them by ignoring what they have to say or not letting them say anything.

Follow up

Your calls will often go unanswered, so don't be afraid to leave a message. There are other ways to follow up — calling again at a different time of day could be successful. You can email the candidate, letting them know you called and will call again. If you spoke to them and they asked you to call back at a better time, make sure you do. Following up is vital when you have positive leads.

Using a recruitment cold calling script

Cold calling candidates in recruitment requires a script; making a call without one is unlikely to be successful. You need to know what to say, and you usually need to say it quickly but naturally. The last thing you want is for your potential employee to think you're marketing something; such calls are too prevalent. Instead, you want to assure them you have something valuable to offer. Sounding confident is the best way to get candidates to listen to your proposition.

Keep your tone friendly no matter how many calls you've made, and ask the recipient if they have time to speak with you. Let them know immediately why you're contacting them. If they show interest, you can move on to discussing the job and what it offers. Give them a chance to ask questions, but be ready to bring the conversation back to your job offer if it gets off topic. A script can ensure you touch on all your key points — keep it simple and conversational.

Cold calling tips for recruiters

Use these cold calling tips to ensure your recruiting efforts are successful:

  • Do your research: Research potential candidates before making your calls to ensure they have the qualifications and experience the position requires.
  • Be ready for a no: Many of the candidates you call are likely to refuse your offer, so be prepared to accept their rejection cordially. Unfortunately, some people you contact may be unfriendly or hostile, and you need to be ready to move on.
  • Ask for referrals: If the person you cold call declines your offer, you can always ask for referrals. This new contact may know someone who is interested in the position.
  • Be mindful of the time: Before making your call, consider the time of day, as you want to call at a time that's convenient for a potential candidate. Contacting someone about a job is awkward if they are at work or in a meeting, so try to time your calls for before or after work or during a lunch break.

Cold calling isn't a thing of the past. This recruiting method can be a great way to find top talent. Using multiple recruitment methods, such as working with CareerBuilder and cold calling, opens up a huge network of potential candidates. Having a strong cold call recruiter script and a positive attitude will help your recruitment efforts succeed.

Find out more about how to reach out to candidates:

Job seekers have three top priorities when looking for work, and you should know what they are.

Making a candidate's experience positive can improve your recruitment process.

Creating a simple hiring process will help you attract more high-quality candidates to your workplace.

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