Job Zone 4: What it is and how to hire people for it

Job Zone 4: What it is and how to hire people for it

Your company likely needs employees with a variety of skill sets and education levels. This can make it difficult to hire the right people to fill each role. You need to know exactly what you're looking for to ensure you hire the right person for the job. One way you can prepare yourself to hire someone is to become familiar with the various job zones. There are five different zones, and each one has its own unique distinctions. 

If you're looking to hire someone with several years of education and experience, you're probably interested in workers who fall into the Job Zone 4 category. Let's explore what this category is to help you get a better understanding of the type of employees you need for these jobs and how to get more applicants for your Job Zone 4 position.

What is Job Zone 4?

The five job zones are divided up based on: 

  • Education level 
  • Experience 
  • Training 
  • Salary 

Those who fall into the Job Zone 4 category typically have a higher level of education than those in Job Zone 3 and several years of experience in their field. Job Zone 5 is the highest level an employee can have, so those in Job Zone 4 have almost reached their highest potential for employment. This job zone has a high earning potential, with many workers having salaries of $100,000 or more. These employees are fairly stable in their jobs, so they don't look for work as often as those in lower job zone levels.

When Job Zone 4 workers look for a new job, about 55% of them use an employer website, while 32% rely on former colleagues. These workers are also more likely to find employment through a headhunter or recruiter, and they use career coaches more frequently than those in Job Zones 2 and 3. It can be harder to sway these workers to take a position in your company, but knowing what makes them tick can help you appeal to their needs and career goals.

What education do Job Zone 4 workers have?

Most employees in Job Zone 4 will have at least a bachelor's degree. However, some may have earned a master's degree or a Ph.D. It's also possible for those working in Job Zone 4 to have less than a bachelor's degree, especially if they have extensive on-the-job training. In addition to their training and college education, these employees may have some vocational training, certificates, or licensing. Because of their education level and work experience, Job Zone 4 workers usually have more opportunities available to them, so it can take a good offer to appeal to their needs.

"You want to have the best people working for your company to ensure it achieves its full potential."

Make sure they're aware of the potential for advancement within your company, as this is a concern for these workers and may be a reason they're seeking new employment. The chance to work remotely is also something that could be important for Job Zone 4 workers, so if this isn't something you offer yet, you may want to prepare for it. A hybrid work environment is another way to go if you're interested in gaining more Job Zone 4 employees.

What are Job Zone 4 occupations?

Job Zone 4 occupations are some of the highest-level jobs there are for your employees. Depending on the size of your company, you may have a limited number of Job Zone 4 occupations available. This means you want to hire top talent to fill these roles as soon as possible. We detail a few examples of Job Zone 4 positions and their duties below. You can also use the provided links to view job descriptions for these roles posted by companies looking to fill them:

Software developer

software developer needs to have an understanding of various programming languages, such as Java, C++, and Python. They need exceptional computer skills and knowledge of coding. Their duties require the ability to work alone as well as in a group. These individuals should have strong verbal and written communication skills in order to work directly with clients, management, and teams.


teacher needs to have a minimum of a bachelor's degree and, in some states, they may require additional certifications and licenses. They should love to learn as well as teach because continuing education courses are necessary to maintain compliance with state standards. These individuals should have compassion for children and their families and an ability to tailor their curriculum to meet the needs of a diverse classroom.

Budget analyst

budget analyst needs at least a bachelor's degree and four years of experience in a related role. They should have good problem-solving and math skills. Many jobs are for government agencies and large corporations, so knowledge of industry standards and procedures is a must. These analysts need to have the ability to compile data and sort that data to make presentations to management and company leaders.

HR manager

An HR manager will need between two and five years of experience as well as a bachelor's degree. Their duties may include creating hiring policies, conducting or overseeing training, performing interviews, and ensuring employees understand their benefits packages. They need to have excellent communication skills and the ability to work well with others. Knowledge of state and federal employment guidelines is also required.


writer creates content in a variety of forms and must be able to meet strict deadlines. They should have a strong grasp of the written word and good communication skills. Their duties may include following a style guide, writing in a tone that meets the client's needs, and coming up with creative and unique ideas that can keep their writing on the cutting edge.

What are the goals of Job Zone 4 workers?

Employees in Job Zone 4 are similar to those in other job zones in that they want a career that pays well, and this can be a big motivator for them when seeking new employment. Things that help workers in Job Zone 4 feel satisfied in their work include:

  • Feeling valued
  • Finding the job rewarding
  • Having interesting work
  • Liking co-workers and colleagues
  • Feeling successful
  • Having a good benefits package

Their goals often tend to include having a good work-life balance. Many people in Job Zone 4 are married and have children, so family time is also important to them. Being able to take time off when they need it can be just as important as good pay. There's not always room for advancement once someone has reached Job Zone 4, so it's important to consider other factors when hiring workers for these types of roles.

How to attract workers to Job Zone 4 roles

You want to have the best people working for your company to ensure it achieves its full potential. To attract workers in Job Zone 4, consider these tactics:

  • Offer a great benefits package
  • Allow talent to work from home at least part of the time
  • Provide a competitive salary
  • Let them know you value their work
  • Give them constructive feedback
  • Make the hiring process simple

Knowing what the different job zones are how to hire employees that fall within each zone can help you get the right talent for each open position at your company. If you're ready to post an open position, check out how CareerBuilder can help you reach more people.


Get inside the minds of nearly 2,500 job seekers with these powerful insights to help you land quality candidates. Grab a copy here. 

Here's more about hiring and retaining employees at your company:

Create a vacation policy that encourages your employees to take time off so they feel refreshed and ready to work.

Getting a job can be stressful. Learn why employees might abandon the hiring process so you can avoid it.

Discover some of the best practices for onboarding employees who work remotely.


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