Increase applications with this 1 job post change

Job applications are a crucial piece of the job hunt and always inspire debate: are they easy to complete, is it getting in the right hands, is it enough to showcase your talents? 

So, we decided to dig in. Over on our CareerBuilder social platforms, we asked job seekers about application preferences and we got some great feedback.

The winner: simplifying your job search 

Unsurprisingly, the majority of responses favored a simple 1-click application over a detailed one. According to our informal Twitter poll, almost 79% of respondents want an easy apply path: 

Over on Facebook and Instagram, some job seekers were straight to the point with “one-click apply” and a couple specified having an additional resume attached.  

But two great points came up about why one-click apply is much better – the time it takes to get through clunky applications and employers not responding to candidates, especially after completing a lengthier application. 

“A one click application. It is tedious and frustrating to click on something and then fill out multiple other forms even when attaching a resume, especially if the company doesn't get back to you.” 

“One click apply, always one click easy apply. I shouldn't need to spend 30 minutes > create account > upload resume > none of the info imports correctly > have to rebuild entire resume > include cover letter (doesn't fit and have to amend) then submit. No! Stop that!! Quick apply!” 

“If an employer wants a detailed application, they best respond back to candidates, as it is more likely to harm the employer brand due to the time taken to apply.” 

Meet candidate needs and maximize applications with Easy Apply: 

Create your job description – include as much detail about the role as possible, so candidates understand how their resume stacks up and can feel confident about that role. 

In the draft post, select the option for “Easy Apply” and make sure there are not additional screeners to your process. You want job seekers to see your well-written and optimized job posting, hit “Easy Apply”, select the right resume and know that you as an employer value their time. This also means that if you choose to utilize a more detailed application, keep it streamlined and simple, and ensure you respond to candidates (even if it’s an automated email letting them know you have chosen a different direction). 

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