How staffing firms can hire for the “new normal”

In the past year, you’ve seen client and candidate relationships shift, investment in new technology, and the need to adapt to new trends. As industries recover from the pandemic and jobs return, are you re-evaluating how you’re different from your competitors? How are you planning to move forward after 12 months of nonstop change? Here are three ways to future-proof your business. 

Build meaningful relationships for stronger hiring 

One major trend we saw in this time of crisis was the ability to connect deeper with clients and candidates. Businesses at all levels and in all industries made concerted efforts to ease challenges and overnight shifts in operations, and relief and accommodations became the norm. The staffing industry was no different. By staying close with clients and building these strong relationships, it’s clear how vital both employers and staffing firms are to each other. The main takeaway: understand and address anxieties in business, and work to support the individuals with whom you do business.  

Invest in tech for flexible hiring 

To keep business moving, staffing firms took on new challenges and industries. Market demands shifted – along with recruiting and hiring needs – and recruiters were forced to adapt. The ability to quickly mobilize depended on the firm's pre-pandemic starting point, especially with automation and integrated tech platforms. Some firms could take on new challenges and try recruiting in new industries because they had a solid foundation of technology – from automated communications to career sites and talent networks. Make sure you’re setup for your current needs and maximizing recruiters’ ability to focus on people (not tasks), then you can forecast ways you can be flexible, adjust and go after new business.  

Prioritize storytelling 

Lots of trends – including remote work and skills-based hiring – were cemented in 2020, especially practices that were projected to unfold over the next five years but happened in less than 12 months. This caused all of the ripple effects mentioned above, but one strategy that allowed successful staffing firms to pull through was a focus on storytelling. Your clients need to know your firm can absolutely meet their needs, and you need to differentiate yourself and be recognized for that in the market. Prioritize storytelling as a marketing tactic or differentiator to set you apart from other firms, even in your own recruiting industry. Share your success stories through the lens of impact and how you helped employers, and you’ll be on your way to building a stable source of clients, no matter external hiring disruptions. 

For more insights like these, watch “Hiring Manager Sentiments and Preferences: How 2020 Transformed Staffing Sales and Client Service,” in partnership with ClearlyRated, American Staffing Association and CareerBuilder.  

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