Hiring trends for March 2021

As jobs continue to bounce back, recent trends are holding strong and growing. Here are the numbers you need (based on the federal jobs report about February 2021 employment) and hiring insights and tips for finding the best talent. 

Unemployment by the numbers 

  • Overall unemployment: 6.2% 
  • Men: 6% 
  • Women: 5.9% 
  • Asian workers: 5.1% 
  • White workers: 5.6% 
  • Hispanic workers: 8.5% 
  • Black workers: 9.9% 

Temporary layoffs: fell to 2.2 million (down from 2.7 million) 

Permanent job losses: 3.5 million, same as the month prior 

Teleworking: 22.7% (down from 23.2% month prior) 

Hiring trends for March 2021 

How to find and reach qualified candidates. Whether you’re managing a handful of recruiters, part of a hiring team or a one-person HR operation, these tips will help you streamline your process and hire the best employees, especially with millions still unemployed. Keep reading >> 

Skills-based hiring and upskilling your employees. We’re continuing to see a shift in focus from previous job titles and experiences to skillsets. This strategy expands your talent pool, can help you find the perfect culture fit, and supports diverse and inclusive hiring efforts. Supporting your team’s growth and improving skills is another great way to retain talent


Related reading: Your skills-based hiring guide 


Diversity, equity and inclusion are still major priorities. From offering trainings to expecting their employers to speak out in support of issues, potential and current employees value diversity. The CareerBuilder team recently hosted an insightful panel about what DEI really means, and you can put that new knowledge to work by using these three tips to hire more diverse candidates

Hiring women impacted by the pandemic. Women are being forced out of their jobs in record numbers – here are tips for hiring them back and supporting the women on your team. Read more >> 

How to meet candidates where they are. Finding and connecting with the right candidates for your team might feel like it's only possible through divine intervention. From whatever shape the labor market is in to your hiring budget, your talent acquisition process can feel overwhelming. Read more about the two areas to focus on >> 

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Celebrating women at work

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Hiring women impacted by the pandemic

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