Drive diversity in talent acquisition – every step of the way

Throughout the hiring process - or the talent acquisition funnel - there are varying levels of opportunity for candidate engagement and targeting. As employers work to improve their company culture and diversity initiatives, it might be helpful to analyze each portion of that funnel to identify specific action items at every step.

Start with mapping out your process and candidate flow:



Next, take a look at your platforms and tools, and how they already engage or support candidates within each step. Here are a few ways HR tech can help you drive diversity at each step of the talent acquisition funnel.

Start with job boards and job posts 

Find solutions to advertise your jobs to diverse audiences. From niche or demographic-specific job boards to boosting posts on traditional sites, investing in this step can be an immediate opportunity for increased visibility. 

(Plus, CareerBuilder users can take advantage of our AI Job Description Tool, which flags tone and gender bias in your posts and offers suggestions for improvement.) 

Optimize your career sites and talent networks to engage audiences at every level 

Career sites let you showcase your inclusive and diverse brand - share your values, highlight employees and give candidates a glimpse into your company culture. A streamlined and consolidated approach to advertising your jobs through a career site also allows you to provide mobile-responsive applications and empowers job seekers who might be less tech-savvy. Accessibility is important. 

Within your candidate database or talent network, use Boolean search strings to find professional minority groups, colleges and associations to target diverse candidates.  

And within the CareerBuilder talent network platform, automated matches consider skills and experience, with less of a focus on name, gender or other potential pitfalls. 

Consider you how you source candidates 

Your source and screen solution can play a major role in identifying and hiring diverse candidates. Labor market data and competitive insights can broaden your sourcing scope, giving you an idea of where qualified candidates live, their education levels and what you need to consider when recruiting these workers.  

Participating in “diversity fairs”, or hosting your own virtual hiring events, levels the playing field and provides candidates easier access to you as an employer, while expanding your candidate pool. 

Support and champion employees to maintain your culture

The final step lies with your current team. For companies with a diverse workforce, employee referral programs work to maintain that environment and celebrates inclusive company cultures. Employee referral programs are one of the best ways to find quality candidates because of the assumption that “good people know good people”, which is why this piece works so well to effortlessly maintain (rather than build) a diverse and inclusive workplace. 

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