Companies hiring now during coronavirus - for these jobs (Week of April 20)

Every week, CareerBuilder shares real-time hiring data to provide insight into the coronavirus employment landscape. Follow us on social media via #CareerBuilderCOVIDData and check back here for the highlights. 


CareerBuilder job insights for April 17-23

Job postings increase in more states
Last week, CareerBuilder data showed that six states were posting more jobs, when all other states saw a decline. This week, that number is up to 12 states increasing the number of job postings.

Employers hiring now
The top 10 employers hiring now combined to post nearly 97,000 jobs last week. That’s almost 34,000 more jobs than were posted by the top 10 employers the week prior.

Looking for a job? Truck drivers are still needed
The number of drivers and delivery roles continue to be on the rise. There was a 40% decline in available heavy and tractor-trailer jobs last week due to roles being filled, but there is still demand.

In-demand industries that are hiring
New jobs are being added everyday that require a range of skill sets and experience. Here are the top 15 industries adding jobs based on new postings last week.

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