Video: Your HR Dream Can Become a Reality

Debra Auerbach


Imagine this.

You and your hiring manager are on the exact same page about an open position. You have all the labor market data you need to help fill the position at your fingertips. You display your open job on your beautiful career site, which is backed by the most powerful search engine on earth. Before you even blink an eye, you’re served up the perfect candidate, and you easily communicate with him using targeted email campaigns. When it comes time to hire your perfect candidate, you screen and onboard him seamlessly all through one system.

This has to be a dream, right?

Well, what if it was reality? Watch the video above to find out how you can make your HR dreams come true with CareerBuilder.

So, what is this magic they’re talking about in the video? It’s called Talent Discovery, an award-winning platform that combines the best of CareerBuilder’s recruiting solutions in one place.

With CareerBuilder Talent Discovery, you can:

  • Plan. Leverage labor market data to improve your sourcing strategy, and align hiring managers using our first-to-market intake tool.
  • Search. Quickly find the right talent — whether it’s private profiles imported from your ATS, previously acquired talent from CareerBuilder products or 125 million CareerBuilder candidates — in one interface.
  • Match. Post a job, and get matched candidates instantly saving you a step in your sourcing process. Leverage semantic search to help you find all relevant talent.
  • Engage. Communicate with critical talent via targeted email campaigns, and view real-time analytics to target who to follow up with.

Learn more about what the Talent Discovery Platform can do for you.

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