CareerBuilder Teams Up with Google on New Job Search Engine


Following a sneak peek at its I/O conference in May, today Google officially announced a new feature in Search that will help job seekers discover the millions of job postings on the web that are available from job boards, career sites, social networks and other sources.

Our editorial team recently sat down with Abdel Tefridj, CareerBuilder’s Chief Innovation Officer, to get his perspective on how CareerBuilder is collaborating with Google and why this is such an exciting opportunity for our clients.

What is CareerBuilder’s reaction to the news?
AT: We have a good history of working with Google and welcomed the opportunity to collaborate from the very start. The power behind Google’s search capabilities and the vast amount of people it connects with every day will amplify exposure for our clients’ jobs. We have a full integration with Google to push our content to them, and today we stand as one of the key suppliers of jobs content to Google. 

Will all jobs posted on CareerBuilder be included?
AT: Yes, all of CareerBuilder’s jobs from our job boards will be included in our feed to this new feature in Search. We are also working with Google to incorporate jobs from our talent networks.

See what HR experts are saying about Google for Jobs 

Doesn’t Google for Jobs compete directly with CareerBuilder?
AT: Over the last 20-plus years, CareerBuilder’s model has always been to provide employers and job seekers with as many connection points as possible around the world. While some of our competitors focused on being destination communities, we put our jobs wherever job seekers are on the Internet, and today our job search engine is on more than 1,000 sites. We’re embracing this new feature as another distribution channel that will heighten visibility for our clients’ job openings.

Google is often the starting point for the job search. That is why CareerBuilder is working hard to best represent our advertising customers’ jobs and our Talent Network customers’ jobs on Google and optimize the conversion of a job seeker into an applicant. We have also moved upstream to help customers automatically keep a pipeline of candidates engaged through our Talent Network product and to help them search those candidates through our Search products.

How did the relationship between CareerBuilder and Google develop?
AT: CareerBuilder is a huge proponent of collaboration and having an open ecosystem. It is a key part of who we are as a company and how we approach innovation. Google has been a traffic source for CareerBuilder for years. We have been in discussions with them for a while around different ways we can collaborate. Six months ago, CareerBuilder announced plans to use the Google Clouds Jobs API to power searches on our job site, layering our extensive domain expertise over Google’s machine learning capabilities. Today, we’re joining forces on this new Search experience as well, and we’re exploring various ways we can work together on other initiatives.

CareerBuilder is a very different company today. We have evolved into an end-to-end human capital solutions company, covering everything from recruiting and employment screening to human capital management. We think there are opportunities to team up with Google as we build our ecosystem and grow our business.  

Learn how Search by Commute Time will change the way you recruit.

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