CareerBuilder CMO Kristin Kelley on blending workplace well-being + productivity

CareerBuilder CMO Kristin Kelley is on a mission to help everyone to find meaning in their work. She’s an expert in demographic workforce shifts, women in leadership, work/life balance, and millennial employee motivations. Kelley has a passion for sharing her industry knowledge with professional organizations and publications. Here are some top takeaways from her fireside chat with Morning Brew’s Elizabeth Nowrouz.

Transparency is everything.

When it comes to workplace well-being, Kelley says, transparency and honesty are key. “it’s not easy, but we have to work on it -- be honest with ourselves about how we’re feeling and asking for help where we need it both personally and professionally. I constantly ask my teams, ‘How can I help you, what can I take off your plate?’”

Empathy is essential.

Even the most zen of professionals get stressed out. “Recognize that we are all going through it,” says Kelley. “It’s been a hard few years, and it’s important to touch on the more human aspects of our jobs. And recognize how you manage stress yourself and be sure to appreciate that not everyone does so in the same way.”

Listen – and take action.

If your employees have Zoom fatigue or are camera shy, encourage them to decline optional meetings or keep their cameras off. Speaking of meetings, a great way to start listening is by veering a bit off of the business at hand in each one. “Personally, I like to open my calls with a softer topic that allows the team to get to know each other in the event they have not met. I also like to make meetings efficient by capping them at 45 minutes, having clear agendas, clear action items, and minutes for those who missed the meetings, etc.,” says Kelley.

Encourage employees to get involved.

Kelley notes, “At CareerBuilder, we have a very passionate DEI committee made up of members who are constantly evaluating what’s important to employees and taking action to meet those needs.” The committee is open to anyone who wishes to join – and Kelley is there to help them find the time to do so. “It’s my job to give folks the time and space to participate as sometimes it can be hard to pull yourself away from your day-to-day tasks or projects and find the time.”

Be true to your brand.

Kelley believes it is important to practice what you preach from a brand perspective. She points out, “Our ads offer a bit of levity and relatability to the job search and job market. We’re all about creating high performing and high functioning teams, but we also like to laugh and not take ourselves too seriously.” She adds, “CareerBuilder is a fun brand and we want people to feel that inside and out. Even subtle things like an internal rally cry of ‘Get your build on!’ has helped the brand play a role in our culture.”

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