3 ways remote work can improve your mental health and relationships

Flexible work schedules are becoming the norm, as employers learn about increased productivity and higher employee engagement rates. Across companies of all sizes, more and more employees are working from home on a semi-regular basis.

But the days of trading health insurance for day-to-day flexibility are waning, as the number of salaried, completely remote workers continues to grow.

From perfect-for-you environments to more time with loved ones, there are tangible and emotional benefits to working remotely 40 hours a week.

Less stress, more relaxation and higher-quality personal time
Not having a commute is a major reason working from home can reduce stress levels – no traffic or crowded buses – but saving time also means you can repurpose it for more meaningful activities that add value to your life. Whether you use that time for healthy habits, investing in a hobby or spending time with family, that average 30-minute commute can now be dedicated to making you a healthier, well-rounded person. Prioritizing your needs, from self-care to hangouts with friends, will contribute positively to your mental health and interpersonal relationships.

You’ll likely be a better employee
Working from home means your day-to-day specific needs are dictated by you. Do you like the background hum of a coffee shop, with smells and sights and activity? Or do you need to be in comfy clothes at your kitchen table with the windows open? Your ideal working environment can be created in your own home, and remote employees tend to be far more productive than their in-office counterparts. Controlling your setup so you’re most comfortable to work, and being able to take care of everyday life provide a huge mental boost. Because of this, work-from-home employees tend to be happier and more engaged – which means no more missing dinner or grumbling about your day because of work you brought home.

You might save money
Again, no commute likely means not spending on train fare, or gas wasted sitting in traffic. But a growing trend shows that many workers are leaving expensive cities for more affordable metros and suburbs – and keeping their jobs when they move. Working remotely for a company based in an expensive city means you can benefit from that career opportunity while avoiding high housing costs (and other major-city-expenses). Use that money to go on a trip with a friend or partner, or invest in yourself, from classes and hobbies to retirement. Either way, you’ll have more of a say on how you spend your cash.

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