The majority of Americans are seeking new work right now

If you’re worried your employees have a wandering eye when it comes to their careers, you’re right to be. A new survey by CareerBuilder reveals a desire for a career shift among job seekers including seven in 10 employed adults who are currently engaged in a job search, either actively or passively.

Of the people in search of a new role, one in five are active job seekers while 26% are not fully committed but occasionally browse open roles (which is positive news for recruiters). More good news: while 26% of employed adults are not actively seeking a role they are open should a recruiter approach them. Only 30% of respondents are content with their role and not looking in any capacity.

“We are seeing an impressive amount of potential growth within the workforce as Americans express interest in exploring new roles and diving into different industries,” said Susan Arthur, CEO of CareerBuilder. “The data shows that the future of work will continue to shift as job seekers evaluate the current job market and determine which career opportunities are right for them.”

The survey also revealed specific career traits that employed job seekers are looking for:

•          62% are seeking a higher salary

•          51% want a flexible schedule

•          46% are looking for better benefits

•          40% would like the ability to work remotely

CareerBuilder also found that people don’t just want to change jobs – they want to change fields, too. More than three in five (62%) employed adults expressed interest in moving into an entirely new industry, which is helpful for employers trying to recruit talent in one of the top industries hiring now.

Men more so than women had a positive attitude toward their current job – finding their role personally fulfilling and more likely to show appreciation for their current salary and job security. However, men were also more likely to engage in a job search right now than women and were among those seeking an industry change as well as greater career guidance and support.

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