Streamline your candidate search with CareerBuilder’s new feature: Candidate Match

Discover the future of hiring with Candidate Match and unlock new possibilities for your organization's growth and success. 

In the dynamic landscape of recruitment, staying ahead requires innovation and adaptability. At CareerBuilder, we understand the pivotal role of finding the right talent for your organization. That's why we're thrilled to unveil a game-changing addition to our Talent Discovery Platform: Candidate Match. 

What is Candidate Match? 

Candidate Match is a sophisticated tool comprising three essential functions: 

  • Matching Candidates to a Job Description: Quickly identify candidates whose profiles closely align with your specific job requirements. 

  • Matching Candidates to a Resume: Discover job openings that best fit a candidate's qualifications and experience. 

  • Providing Similar Candidates: Receive tailored recommendations based on resumes you select within our Talent Discovery Platform (TDP). 

How Does Candidate Match Work? 

This feature analyzes documents such as resumes or job descriptions to extract critical information including job titles, locations, and skills. Using this data, Candidate Match creates a targeted search that can be further customized by adjusting or adding criteria like skills, locations, or job titles. 

Key Benefits of Candidate Match: 

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Reduce the time spent on candidate searches by pinpointing a smaller, more relevant pool of applicants. 

  • Expanded Talent Pool: Uncover additional potential matches by identifying key skills from resumes or job descriptions. 

  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Seamlessly generate complex Boolean search strings to refine your candidate selections.  

  • Comprehensive Matching Features: Access a robust suite of matching tools conveniently integrated into one platform, setting us apart from competitors. 

Empowering Your Hiring Success 

Whether you're seeking talent for specialized roles or aiming to streamline your hiring workflow, Candidate Match empowers you to make informed decisions swiftly and efficiently. By harnessing the power of this innovative feature, you gain a distinct advantage in today's competitive talent landscape. 

Experience the Difference 

Ready to experience the transformative potential of Candidate Match firsthand? Simply log in to your CareerBuilder account and give it a try. We're committed to supporting your hiring success with our latest innovation, and we're excited to embark on this journey with you. 

At CareerBuilder, we're dedicated to driving excellence in recruitment, one innovative solution at a time. Discover the future of hiring with Candidate Match and unlock new possibilities for your organization's growth and success. 

Learn more about the future of hiring 

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