3 Best Practices to Build Your Employment Brand 

January 30, 2017 Pete Jansons

For small business owners wishing to improve their employment brand, figuring out what distinguishes their company as a great place to work is only the first step. Getting the word out must be a priority. Use these tips to help build your small business’s employment brand and entice prospective talent.

Go all out online

Modern job seekers scrutinize the Internet for information on companies of interest, so be sure they have awesome things to discover about your small business. Keep your message consistent across platforms to establish identity, and aim to really show viewers what you’re all about through each of the following:

Colorful pictures, slice-of-office-life videos, personality-rich profiles of team members, and entertaining blog posts encourage candidates to get excited about your workplace and envision their own career there.

In addition to continuing to provide engaging, welcoming content, focus on personal connection. Respond to comments and questions in a timely manner, which will demonstrate attentiveness and set the stage for continued dialogue.

  • Personal profile

As a small business owner, you are the face of the company. Expect people to check you out, and seize that opportunity to further promote your employment brand. Turn the summary section of your LinkedIn profile, for instance, into a place to express your lifelong obsession with innovation or to tout the importance you place on work-life balance.

  • Job postings

Wherever their placement, job listings should go beyond simply what you want for the position at hand. View them as opportunities to promote your corporate culture, mission and workplace perks.

Build relationships

Think beyond the need to fill current vacancies. Establishing an employment brand involves acquiring a pool of connections. Follow up with people who expressed interest in your small business at a job fair. Guest lecture for a college class, and ask the professor to introduce you to outstanding students. Consider developing an internship program. Engrain your small business in both your industry and community. 

Involve your employees

Who better to sing the praises of working at your small business than the people actually there? Send your most enthusiastic off to serve as employment brand ambassadors at collegiate recruiting events and trade shows. And be sure to enlist your team in social media efforts. Not only are their personal networks likely to be much larger than the number of corporate followers, users tend to trust and pay attention to messages received from those they know. Regularly remind workers that their posts, blog comments, and employee reviews on sites such as Glassdoor are appreciated because they help grow the company’s employment brand. Worried what they say may not be flattering? Ask that workplace concerns be brought to your attention rather than vented. You’ll gain insight about what areas need improvement and further establish yourself as a caring employer.

Learn more about the importance of building your employment brand. Check out 5 Big Reasons to Build Your Small Business Employment Brand. 



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