45% of U.S. Employers Plan on Hiring Full-Time, Permanent Employees in the Second Quarter

Sarah Sipek

It takes time for an economy to recover after a recession. But when the tides do turn, increased hiring is one of the first signs that an economy is getting back on track. And according to a recent CareerBuilder survey, the hiring outlook for the second quarter is the best it’s been in a decade.

Forty-five percent of U.S. employers plan to hire full-time, permanent employees in the second quarter—up from 34 percent last year. This represents the highest percentage for the quarter dating back to 2007 when just 29 percent of employers planned to hire.

What Does This Mean for You?
With so many employers looking for talented candidates, the talent market will become competitive. Building a strong talent network will help you find and retain top talent.

Talent networks are automated platforms that enable job seekers to upload their information—name, contact information, work history, etc.—into your company’s database to be notified of new job opportunities. This helps you build a pipeline of viable candidates who are ready—and qualified—to step into open positions.

But remember, with a talent network, candidate experience is key. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and visually appealing. If it’s not, job seekers will be less likely to join.



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